The Human ConditionMarch 2012
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JohnJohn and Friend

John is an Emeritus Professor in Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Studies from California State University, Northridge, and a retired Lecturer from Cal Poly. For thirty-four years he has taught classes in Commercial Recreation, Tourism Planning, Management and Leadership, and Wilderness Survival. He earned his Ph.D. from Claremont Graduate University in Organizational Development and Curriculum Design in Higher Education. 

John also served as Lead Evaluator for the SLO Sheriff's Search & Rescue division. He is a current member of the Atascadero Writer's Club and can be contacted by calling 805-440-9529 or by email.

Visit John's Blog at John B's Take

For Sale: Democracy

by John Bullaro

One wonders if some Super Pac committee isn't stuffing money in the pockets of the justices on the Supreme Court.

Last year this court stripped from voters the likelihood they will have enough clout to elect a president. The law flowing from the decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission is clear: The longstanding limit on corporate and union money in federal elections has been lifted. The court said restriction on corporate donations to political campaigns is an unconstitutionalrestriction of free speech.

This Supreme Court decision has placed the presidency, and other national offices, on the block where wealth buys our leaders. The court put a sign in their window — For Sale: The Presidency of the United States; and political leaders in general.

This notice has touched off a fire storm that is sweeping the country. Wealthy groups have been turned loose with no limit to their contributions to campaign ads and no oversight as to honesty.

One group attempting to buy the presidency is comprised of the KOCH Brothers. They have pledged $100 million to defeat President Obama. Conversely, I'm certain the Democratic Party will have their cadre of spoilers pouring money into defeating the Republican nominee.

Regardless of your political bias, these actions by moneyed groups subordinate the idea of citizens voting for their leaders. This decision by the Supreme Court makes large pools of money the wielder of political muscle.

Do negative political ads affect the outcome of elections? Absolutely. Studies have shown that, over time, attack ads work. Otherwise wealthy individuals and corporations wouldn't invest millions of their dollars in organizations that run these ads.

What's worse than the ads, per se, is the fact that lies, distortions, and character smears are not held up for scrutiny by anyone. Except, of course, by the person who is the target of these ads. And people generally expect them to howl.

This notice has touched off fire many fire sales that are now sweeping the country. The Supreme Court took the phrase "by the people for the people" and turned it on its head.

The courts decision gave birth to many nonprofit groups whose only reason for existence is to facilitate the power grab of wealthy individuals who will turn the United States into an oligarchy. Under this system of governance the few will over-power middle class voters and turn them into an annoyance.

With no limit on their political investments, the wealthy will own the country and the politicians, giving them the power to make the free market system the political system of the United States. Democracy will become a cliche with no meaning.

To paraphrase Edward Abbey: Democracy — rule by the people — sounds like a good idea; we need to bring it back.

Is it possible for ordinary citizens to reclaim Democracy in America? Stay tuned.

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