July 2014
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Welcome to the Slo Coast Journal. Published monthly, the Journal brings you information about California's Central Coast and surrounding area.
The Great Blue Heron Image on Banner by Nan Carder. All Content Copyright Slo Coast Journal and Individual Writers.
"If a June night could talk, it would probably boast it invented romance." Bernard Williams


Restaurant Employees
Save Life

Three restaurant employees saved a 71year old male patron with the Heimlich Maneuver at the Off the Hook restaurant at 833 Embarcadero, Morro Bay, on June 26th.

Marilee Bell of Off the Hook restaurant recognized one of her customers not being able to breath and initiated the Heimlich Maneuver on the Signal Hill California visitor. The 71-year-old patron was able to use non-verbal communication to illustrate his inability to breath.

With the Signal Hill visitor being a tall person, Marilee summoned help from Hide Hi Ko Nogi and Mike Toodicso, both Chefs with the restaurant. All three took turns performing the Heimlich Maneuver with positive results. 

First on scene Morro Bay Fire Department Paramedics found the man breathing on his own and speaking in full sentences with no apparent injuries.

Morro Bay Fire Captain Paramedic George Rees stated, "The ability for Maridee to recognize someone choking and not being able to breath was key and her quick action to initiate the Heimlich Maneuver definitely saved their patron’s life.

In addition, the tenacity not to quit performing the Heimlich Maneuver from all three employees made a difference between life and death."

The Morro Bay Fire Department would like to encourage all residents to learn the signs of a choking person and how to perform the Heimlich Maneuver before you need to use it on a family member or even a stranger. Nearly 3,000 people die each year from choking on food during their meals.

Learn more about thee Heimlich Maneuver. The next person saved from choking may be a family member.

Jack McCurdy

Why Irons, Makowetski Won the Primary Election

by Jack McCurdy

Mayor Jamie Irons and ally Matt Makowetski swept the Morro Bay primary election last month, giving them a clear majority on the City Council, counting Christine Johnson and Noah Smukler who were not up for reelection. The other winner in the primary was John Headdiing, who does not appear, at least at this point, to be aligned with opponents of the new majority — past opponents such as Council member Nancy Johnson, who lost to Headding, and George Leage, who did not stand for re-election.  Read More

Morro Bay Primaries On The Block

by Jack McCurdy

A ballot measure giving voters the opportunity to eliminate primary elections in Morro Bay has been approved by the Morro Bay City Council. Morro Bay is the only city in San Luis Obispo County to hold primary elections.

Primaries have been held in the city since voters approved such elections eight years ago and have been very controversial ever since. Primaries were the product of a people's initiative spearheaded by activist John Barta, who some thought was motivated by a goal of making elections more costly for candidates, enabling those backed by money from business interests gaining better chances of winning. Barta was an attorney in a local real estate office at the time. Read More

New City Budget Balanced with "Help"

by Jack McCurdy

Summary: The city of Morro Bay adopted a balanced budget but to do so had to get "help" from some other funds in the budget, such as the Risk Management Reserve, which is used in pinches for money like this. Of course, if other pinches come along in 2013-14, the city could be at least a little strapped. But there are other funds in the budget that could make "contributions" if need be. The budget needed the extra money mainly because of "key infrastructure projects," as Council member Noah called them—the main one being the development of a new multi-million dollar water reclamation facility just down the road. Read More


Morro Bay Fire Department Recognizes It's Firefighters
During an Annual Luncheon

Every year, the Morro Bay Fire Department recognizes its firefighters at an annual event. This tradition gives the Department the opportunity to honor firefighters for their service in our community. Morro Bay Fire Engineer Paramedic Jeff Simpson was awarded Firefighter of the Year for his dedication and passion for the emergency service profession that started when Jeff was a lifeguard at the age of 16 years for Alameda County. Read More

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Site Menu

Local News
Morro Bay Fire Department Recognizes It's Firefighters
Morro Bay Primaries On The Block by Jack McCurdy
New City Budget Balanced with "Help" by Jack McCurdy
Why Irons, Makowetski Won the Primary Election by Jack McCurdy

Town Business
Community Events
Morro Bay Library - by Robert Fuller Davis


Slo Coast Arts
Atascadero Writers Group
The Elements of Life - by Lucille Bosco
Frustrated Local Writer - by Rose Marie Zurkan
Genie's Pocket - by Jeanie Greensfelder
Great Shots - edited by Steve Corey and Jerry Kirkhart
The Human Condition by John Bullaro
One Poet's Perspective - by Jane Elsdon
Opera Slo- by Kathryn Bumpass
Practicing Poetic Justice - by Deborah Tobola

Slo Coast Life
A Roe Adventure - by Roe Yeager
A Wilderness Mind - by John Bullaro
Ask the Doc - by Dr. Robert Swain
Best Friends - by Dr. Malcolm Riordan
Beyond the Badge - by Richard Hannibal
Double Vision - by Shana Ogren
Feel Better Forever - by Brian Dorfman
Whooo Knew? - by Peg Pinard

It's Our Nature
A Bird's Eye View - by Mike Stiles
Elfin Forest - by Jean Wheeler
Go Green - by Lawson Schaller
Marine Sanctuaries - by Carol Georgi and Karl Kempton
Pacific Wildlife Care - by Pamela Hartmann
Whale Watch Adventures

Journal Business
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Stan's Place
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