Dear Editor,
From: Roger Ewing
Morro Bay
On Tuesday, June 5th, a breath of fresh air wafted through Morro Bay courtesy of its citizens who finally woke up and saw the failures of past Councils to bring cohesion to our city government. For years now, our infrastructure, our streets, and our quality of life have all taken a back seat to the self-interests of a select few. With the election of Jamie Irons, Christine Johnson, and Noah Smuckler, we will at last have a more community oriented city government . . . a government that recognizes the needs of all our citizens, and a government that values all businesses within our community.
Unfortunately, the new Council will not take office until December 10th, and therein lies the rub! The current Council majority is determined to mire the "upgrade" of our Waste Water Treatment Plant in old technology and on the same site it now exists . . . a site that does not have the capacity to handle full tertiary build-out.
The WWTP is one of the most important factors of our infrastructure and its longevity needs to be measured in decades, not years. Using all means possible to maintain the plant at its present site, this Council majority refuses to recognize the long term consequences of climate change, rising sea levels, unchecked population growth, and potentially, a diminishing water supply; their reasoning behind this inferior choice is it will be cheaper and will, therefore, keep the costs to the present rate payer as low as possible; but they do so without the completion and insight of a "financial cost benefit", giving no solace for the high costs that will be inherited by the next generation who will have to remedy this current Council's lack of foresight. The future is staring us in the face, and this Council majority is neglecting to prepare us for it.
As a ratepayer, I, for one, would rather pay a little extra now and be sure of a quality product that will benefit all of Morro Bay for the next 50 years . . . the alternative is unthinkable, and thus unfair.
Photo by Vince Cicero
Morro Rock Morning
Cooper's Hawk Image on Banner by Cleve Nash.
Photo by Judy Sullivan:
Morro Rock Morning
Photo by Dave Johnson:
Quiet Day at the MB Harbor
Photo by Linda Tanner
Harmony Pottery
We welcome your letters and will publish them here each month. Please include your name and location. When you submit a letter to the editor, we assume all rights to use your words and name as given.
From: Sandra Beebe
Santa Monica (Formerly and Spiritually of Morro Bay)
As a former resident who stills calls Morro Bay "home" to any who ask where I'm from, I was more than thrilled at the results of the recent election. You now will have three highly intelligent, environmentally aware members on the Council. There will be a thoughtful and respectful mayor chairing the meetings! It's almost enough to make me abandon my grandson and move back to Morro Bay!!
Unfortunately, the newly elected members of the Council won't be able to claim their office until December, thanks to the inane primary system that John Barta instigated. The primary is such a waste of time and money and accomplishes nothing, IMHO. I hope the new members put it back on the ballot so that the voters can again go back to the more sensible system that precludes a primary.
Even though I have departed the little heaven on earth that is Morro Bay, I still hear rumors all the way down to Santa Monica. From all four corners of the town I hear rumblings that Mayor Yates (along with the other recently defeated) is furious at the electors for defeating him and doing so with such a majority. I even heard one rumor that he was shouting, "Off with their heads" when referring to the voters, but I'm certain that was a greatly exaggerated tail if true at all. However, because the outgoing members have until December to wreck havoc upon the city, if I were a current resident I would certainly watch the Council's every move very intensely. Of course, I'm a bit paranoid and I'm certain none of the defeated would stoop to such behavior.
I think Judy Sullivan, founder and editor of the SLO Coast Journal, should take some of the credit for the election results. She has provided a forum where more views could be articulated and read. In my opinion the Journal has helped educate many residents who were unaware of all the convoluted underpinnings that are (were) Morro Bay politics.
Marina Sunrise by Marlin Harm
Opinions given are not necessarily those of the Journal, its contributors, or any person on the planet other than the writer.
Last Month's Local Election Results (In case you missed them.)
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