It's Our CommunityJuly 2012
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Morro Photo Expo Donates $8000 for Scholarships and Community Support

Morro Photo Expo
Yoselin Cuevas, Jazmine Franklin, and Alyssa Hudson

Morro Bay High School Seniors, Yoselin Cuevas Jazmine Franklin, and Alyssa Hudson were each awarded a $1000scholarship on June 12 by Morro Photo Expo. The students will use the scholarships to further their studies in college. Each of the students completed two years of photography classes, maintained a GPA of at least 3.0, submitted five photographs and wrote an essay about their photography. Sue-Lyn Dorrough, a winner of last year’s scholarship was awarded an additional $500 to continue her studies at Olivet Nazarene University in Illinois.  The committee also donated four Canon cameras for students’ use at the Morro Bay High School Graphic Arts and Photography Department.

Morro Photo Expo also donated $1500 to the Natural History Museum for the purchase of binoculars, tripods, and a spotting scope to help visitors to the sea otter mobile unit at Morro Rock more easily view local wildlife. An additional $1500 was donated to the Morro Bay Art Association.

The Morro Photo Expo, a non-profit organization, is a three-day event with a keynote speaker and 40+workshops held each year in Morro Bay. The Expo provides photographers of all skill levels the opportunity to improve their technical and creative artistry in an encouraging, friendly, and social environment. For information on future Expo events, go to Morro Photo Expo.

Painting With Acrylics, Monday Afternoons, July 2nd - August 27th

Create original and unique works in this versatile medium of Acrylics.  Work at your own pace from selected subject matter of your choice with plenty of gentle guidance.

Instructor Diana Manseau has over 25 years of experience teaching fine art in all media.  Classes will be held Monday afternoons, July 2nd through August 27th from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. at the Morro Bay Community Center Studio.  Cost of the class is $90.00 for the nine-week session.  Non-residents add $4.00. Call the Morro Bay Recreation & Parks Department at 772-6278 for more information or register online at Activenet.

Mixed Media Drawing, Thursday Afternoons, July 5th - August 30th, Barbara Wright, (805) 772-6280        

Achieve the maximum in tactile richness, using dry and liquid media including charcoal pencil, graphite pencil, pen and ink, watercolor and more.  Step-by-step demonstrations every time. Instructor Diana Manseau has over 25 years of experience teaching fine art in all media.  Classes will be held Thursday afternoons July 5th through August 30th from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. at the Morro Bay Community Center Studio.  Cost of the class is $90.00 for the 9-week session.  Non-residents add $4.00. Call the Morro Bay Recreation & Parks Department at 772-6278 for more information or register online at Activenet.

Irrigation and Nutrient Management - A Workshop for Growers and Land Managers, July 12th, Los Osos, CA


Join us on July 12 for a full day workshop to learn tools for improving your on-farm irrigation and nutrient management. Local professionals from the Natural Resource Conservation Service, Cal Poly and Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District will engage participants in a conversation on best management practices and demonstrate soil nitrate sampling, an irrigation evaluation, and water quality sampling techniques.

The workshop will be held at the South Bay Community Center in Los Osos from 8:30 – 4:00 on July 12th. There will be classroom and field portions. Interested growers should RSVP to the Coastal San Luis RCD at 772-4391 or email us at For more information visit Coastal RCD and click the What’s New link. Spanish translation, a continuing education certificate and snacks will be provided. Presentado en ingles con traducción en español.

Interested landowners may be eligible for free technical assistance to plan and design management improvements through the Agricultural Water Quality Enhancement Program. The Program provides technical and financial assistance to growers in the Morro Bay watershed to improve their operations while reducing nitrates, pathogens and sediment entering surface waters.

The Coastal San Luis RCD continues to bring funding for conservation projects to the County and its landowners. Learn more about the RCD visit.

2012 Cambria Scarecrow Festival - Plan ahead and mark your calendars!


For the entire month of October, over 250 of the most amazing, artistic and liveliest scarecrows will be taking up residence throughout Cambria's East & West Villages and Moonstone Beach Drive.  Cambria will celebrate the arrival of the scarecrows with food, music and fun during Harvest Festival the 2nd weekend in October.

The Scarecrow Festival has been growing leaps and bounds since its introduction in 2009.  It is a free event that, while presented by the Cambria Historical Society, does not raise any funds for the organization.  It is just a real fun month-long event that is the Society's way of giving back to the community.


Check out Cambria Scarecrows for updates. 

Or, 'like' us on Facebook to receive regular updates and be entered for a chance to win a free bottle of wine! Contact: Taylor Hilden Phone: 909-9000 or  Sue Robinson 927-2597



Items listed on this page are submitted by various community groups and posted as received. If you have an upcoming event you would like to have posted here, send email to Events Editor. If appropriate, we will be happy to list it.

Visit various local city sites for their upcoming events listings: Los Osos (currently unavailable), Morro Bay, Cayucos, Cambria.

Peregrine Falcon Image on Banner by Cleve Nash.
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Chumash Tribal Objection to Morro Rock Climb

Coastal Commission Ready to Define New Wastewater Treatment Plant by Jack McCurdy

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Let's Clear Up a Few Things About National Marine Sanctuaries

Oh, the Irony

Shoreline Seismic Studies Hearings This Month in SLO

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