The Human ConditionApril 2012
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John and Friend

John is an Emeritus Professor in Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Studies from California State University, Northridge, and a retired Lecturer from Cal Poly. For thirty-four years he has taught classes in Commercial Recreation, Tourism Planning, Management and Leadership, and Wilderness Survival. He earned his Ph.D. from Claremont Graduate University in Organizational Development and Curriculum Design in Higher Education. 

John also served as Lead Evaluator for the SLO Sheriff's Search & Rescue division. He is a current member of the Atascadero Writer's Club and can be contacted by calling 805-440-9529 or by email.

Visit John's Blog at John B's Take



The GOD Fellows

by John Bullaro

The 2012 Republican presidential nominee race has become a blood sport. Three of the four candidates hurdle lies, distortions, and phony interpretations of their rivals accomplishments at each other. They slam their rivals' positions on issues, and on their past service history. Why? To confuse voters.

When voters are confused — or so goes the political intellegencia theory — people will concentrate on the meaningless discussion of something like contraceptive use because they understand that. This issue of contraceptive use came from the religious catechism of Santorum, picked up by Romney and Gingrich in hopes they can change the conversation from the economy, jobs, and social programs to something voters understand. Makes me wish two of the candidate's parents had had better access to birth control.

All four candidates lament: "no new taxes on the wealthy."  They believe the wealthy — stripped of paying their fair share of taxes — will create jobs. These right winged political candidates must think their voting base is mentally challenged. Maybe they are.  

The Republican Party has lost its way. It has morphed from a small government, low tax mission into a radical racist party dominated by well-off white men. Racist because from the moment of his inauguration, Obama has been vilified to the point that the holy Right vowed to obstruct every plan Obama put forth, even if he pushed the right's own program. The Right's obsession to keep Obama from having any success makes them willing to sacrifice the will of the people — think health care, Santorum's belief the president should be guided by the Christian Bible as much as the Constitution, that Obama should have let the auto industry declare bankruptcy, and bringing the troops home.

The right knows it can't sell their base on democracy by hate, so they have moved on to bull shit — lies, distortions, and bogus propaganda (the birther movement comes to mind). Let's hope that among the enlightened Republican voters, enough see through the smoke sceen of lies and deception to keep these mindless candidates from the White House.           

Dear readers, please don't conclude I'm against religious practices. I understand and support people's need for religious belief. Religious / spiritual practices can offer comfort and peace of mind during times like these.

However, these beliefs should be of the heart and soul, not on the ballot. Gage candidates by their actions, not what they preach to voters about how holy they are. Behavior must be litmus test for high office.

The Right wants a less intrusive government. Virginia wants to force women — against their will — to undergo vaginal invasive measures that produce an ultra-sound picture prior to exercising control of their bodies. Tell me please, how much more intrusive can the government get than by raping women to make the left's point against abortion?  What's next? Electrode implants to read peoples thoughts? Put one of these candidates in the White house and we'll have no health insurance, no medically necessary abortions, and no social safety net. We'll have privatized social security and live in a superheated environment.

The two party system works as long as neither party gets so strung out out on dogma that it subordinates the constitution to personal dogma.

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