Slo Coast ArtsApril 2012
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Big Bad & Ugly Surf Contest
Big, Bad & Ugly Surf Contest 2009 by Kevin Cole
Morro Rock
Morro Rock by Dennis Young
USCG Surf Boat
USCG Surf Boats by Malcolm Riordan
Frankie & Lolas
Best Breakfast and Lunch Around!
1154 Front Street
For Lunch and Dinner, Head to
Mis Lola's Southside Grill
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Peregrine Falcon image on banner by Cleve Nash

Eye on the Coast by Ginger Rushton (New Column)

I used to believe that taking a portrait of someone was easy. Ha! I was a pumped-up photojournalist battling with hard core news and extreme situations. Back then, taking a meager portrait of someone's face seemed so simple. Who knew that fifteen years down the line, I'd be running a portrait studio called Sandprints, in a sweet California town — Morro Bay. Read More

Genie's Pocket by Jeanie Greensfelder

Guilin, China

Slipping into a Chinese scroll,
I'm on the Li River as it ribbons
among misted mountains,
peaks hiding, then re-emerging.
Water buffalo bathe in the river
and on the banks, women wash clothes.  Read More

Great Shots by Jerry Kirkhart & Steve Corey

Our photo editors bring you some of their favorite coastal images for the month. This month's featured local photographers are Mike Vieira, Mimi Ditchie, Nan Calora, Lorine Lee Cary, Marlin Harms, Elizabeth Haslam, Don Henderson, Steve Corey, Don Quintana, Alice Cahill, Jerry Kirkhart, Ronnie Goyette, Mike Baird, Beth Sargent, Rob DeGraff, Pamela Link, Bill Bouton, Jim Radford, Dagmar Collins, Brad Schram, Alan Vernon, Anita Ritenour, Sylvia Sanchez, Michelle Maani, Cheryl Strahl, James O'Donnell, Howard Ignatius, and Bob Canepa. See More

One Poet's Perspective by Jane Elsdon

When the days grow longer, the skies shine blue and gold, the buds break open and show us their hearts. It's no wonder that plants and poetry come together in a mutual admiration society of spring. As soon as these things begin to happen, those eternal internal itches to weed, plant, and create claim our attention and time. Read More

Opera SLO by Kathryn Bumpass

OperaSLO's 26th anniversary season continues with a salon series featuring world-class artists performing in some of SLO county's most elegant homes and wineries. Inspired by 19th century European salons, singers and other musicians are featured at intimate gatherings where conversation, ideas and music flow freely. Read More

"Seasons Come, Seasons Go" Restored

The sculpture at the entrance to the Morro Bay Museum of Natural History, "Seasons Come, Seasons Go," was damaged by vandals. The bandit(s) stole the Peregrine Falcon piece, using force to rip it from the upraised hands of the Native American depicted in the piece. Read More

Shutterbugs featuring ... Elizabeth Haslam

Ansel Adams allegedly said that the magic of photography is in the darkroom.  The negative is the score; the print is the performance.  When people complain about photographs that don't exactly reflect what the camera recorded, I spew the words of the master in their defense.  Still Ansel was a photo realist, not a pictorialist who was trying to create a painting out of a photograph.  He was in favor of depicting what the camera saw even if he fooled around with dodging and burning in his darkroom, repairing the tonality that "God didn't get quite right*," he said.   I doubt he would approve of the license I take in the performance of photography, but the digital darkroom is indeed a magical place for me.  Read More

From War to Peace


Howard Ignatius
Valencia Peak Panorama by Howard Ignatius
Site Menu

The Business of the Journal
About the Slo Coast Journal
Just for Fun
Letters to the Editor
Stan's Place
Writers Index

The Business of Our Towns
Morro Bay Library Events
Morro Bay Police File

2012 Election - Local Candidates

Morro Bay Candidates 2012
Christine Johnson
Gerald Manata

It's Our Nature
A Bird's Eye View
Coastland Contemplations
Elfin Forest
Healthy Creeks Make Healthy Communities
Marine Sanctuaries
Planting Hope: Sowing Seeds for the Next Generation of Family Farmers
Sweet Springs Reflections

Slo Coast Arts
Eye on the Coast
Genie's Pocket
Great Shots
One Poet's Perspective
Opera SLO
"Seasons Come, Seasons Go" Restored

Slo Coast Life
Ask the Doc
Behind the Badge
Best Friends
California State Parks
Coast Senior Watch
Double Vision
Feel Better Forever
Go Green
The Human Condition
Medical Myth Busting
Observations of a Country Squire
One Cool Earth
Slo Coast Cooking
Surfing Out of the Box

News, Editorials, & Commentary
——Bill Callahan, Cayucos Sanitary District Manager, Resigns
——Diablo Seismic Studies Pose Major Environmental Impact
——Dynegy, Morro Bay Power Plant Owner, Stuck in Bankrutpcy
——New Mapping Tool Shows How Severe Nuclear Accident Could Look in U.S
——New Newsflash from Morro Bay: Contradictions, Falsehoods, Omissions
——One-Block Party Puts Morro Bay on the (Culinary) Map
——The Monterey Bay Marine National Sanctuary (MBNMS) Backdoors SLO County
——Six First Weeks after Chernobyl Nuclear Accident (Memoirs of an Eyewitness)
——Sierra Club Eco-Grants Awarded
to Atascadero, Morro Bay Students

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