Great ShotsApril 2012
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Great Shots - Page 3

Clicking on any photograph will open a new window and take you to the original image, usually on Flickr.
SchramPhoto by Brad Schram:     Fox Sparrow
VernonPhoto by Alan Vernon:     F/18 Overhead
Anita RitenourPhoto by Anita Ritenour:     Obedient Elk
SanchezPhoto by Sylvia Sanchez:     Tufa Pinnacles
MaaniPhoto by Michelle Maani:     Stick Your Tongue Out and Say Ahh . . .
StrahlPhoto by Cheryl Strahl:     Yosemite Ice Patterns
O'DonnellPhoto by James "Dan" O'Donnell:     Grover Beach Train Station
IgnatiusPhoto by Howard Ignatius:     Sandhill Cranes in Flight
Photo by Bob Canepa:     Horsetail Falls


Do you have photographs you would like to see on the Great Shots pages? Photos used here are chosen from the set at Slo Coast Journal Flickr, which are submitted for consideration by our Great Shots photo editors, Jerry Kirkhart and Steve Corey.  

Submit all images by the 15th of each month. This will give us time to make our selections for the next issue.  Thank you for your patience and participation; enjoy the photos.

Site Menu

The Business of the Journal
About the Slo Coast Journal
Just for Fun
Letters to the Editor
Stan's Place
Writers Index

The Business of Our Towns
Morro Bay Library Events
Morro Bay Police File

2012 Election - Local Candidates

Morro Bay Candidates 2012
Christine Johnson
Gerald Manata

It's Our Nature
A Bird's Eye View
Coastland Contemplations
Elfin Forest
Healthy Creeks Make Healthy Communities
Marine Sanctuaries
Planting Hope: Sowing Seeds for the Next Generation of Family Farmers
Sweet Springs Reflections

Slo Coast Arts
Eye on the Coast
Genie's Pocket
Great Shots
One Poet's Perspective
Opera SLO
"Seasons Come, Seasons Go" Restored

Slo Coast Life
Ask the Doc
Behind the Badge
Best Friends
California State Parks
Coast Senior Watch
Double Vision
Feel Better Forever
Go Green
The Human Condition
Medical Myth Busting
Observations of a Country Squire
One Cool Earth
Slo Coast Cooking
Surfing Out of the Box

News, Editorials, & Commentary
——Bill Callahan, Cayucos Sanitary District Manager, Resigns
——Diablo Seismic Studies Pose Major Environmental Impact
——Dynegy, Morro Bay Power Plant Owner, Stuck in Bankrutpcy
——New Mapping Tool Shows How Severe Nuclear Accident Could Look in U.S
——New Newsflash from Morro Bay: Contradictions, Falsehoods, Omissions
——One-Block Party Puts Morro Bay on the (Culinary) Map
——The Monterey Bay Marine National Sanctuary (MBNMS) Backdoors SLO County
——Six First Weeks after Chernobyl Nuclear Accident (Memoirs of an Eyewitness)
——Sierra Club Eco-Grants Awarded
to Atascadero, Morro Bay Students

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Do not use without express written permission.