Surf Girls by Mike Baird

Harmony Outhouse by Kevin Cole

Cedar Waxwing by Cleve Nash

Montana de Oro by Earthly Images

Double-crested, Brandt, and Pelagic Cormorants by Maggie Smith

Back Tomorrow by Chuck Abbe

Best Breakfast Around!
1154 Front Street
For Dinner, Head to

Peregrine Falcon Image on Banner by Cleve Nash
Ask the Doc by Dr. Robert Swain
What's all the hype about the nervous system? Well, the purpose of the nervous system is to control and regulate all the other systems of the body. Picture your brain as being like the battery in your car. If it does not work, or the wires going to and from the battery are not working correctly, your car will not start or parts will not work correctly. Your nervous system works about the same. Your brain is the battery and the nerves that run to and from it are like the electrical wires in your car. How fast your heart beats, how you breathe, digest food, blink, etc., are controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Read More
Behind the Badge by Richard Hannibal
Police officer salaries have been the focus and criticism of recent media attention. I don't get it. Our society is upside-down when it comes to compensating folks in relation to their contribution to the betterment of the whole. We pay millions of dollars to people who can drop a ball through a hoop or hit it with a stick, but shun those dedicated to our safety. It seems if a person merely performs a valuable service and does not generate money, they have less worth in our society. Read More
Best Friends by Malcolm Riordan, DVM
A 2009 study by The Coalition for Living Safely with Dogs reviewed over 2,000 incidents in which dogs had bitten people. It made for some interesting reading and conclusions. Some of the key findings and informed speculations from that report are listed here. Read More
California State Parks
The Morro Bay Museum of Natural History has a Native American exhibit in place through October 26. The exhibit covers plant uses, tool development, maps, language, art, music, misconceptions about Native people, and more. A recent addition is a display panel on uses of plants to make dye colors for wool to be used in weaving blankets. Read More
Double Vision by By Shana Ogren
In a couple of weeks, I will give birth to my first baby. Hallelujah! He is supposed to be a boy named Quentin. I don't know if I'll believe that I'm going to meet him until he actually comes about. Read More
Far Horizons by John Bullaro
In Wallace Stegner's book,"Where the Bluebird Sings to the Lemon Springs," he talks of "place." Stegner argues, "If you don't know where you belong, or feel connected, you may not know who you truly are." Stegner suggests your place can influence who you are in a very subtle way. More on this point later. Read More
Feel Better Forever by Brian Dorfman
In this article I will present the case study of a woman who came to the clinic with some pretty serious issues, including severe pain in her neck, shoulders, and thumbs, chronic headaches, and insomnia. As this is a complicated case, with various factors at play and various issues to be resolved, I will focus my analysis primarily on the thumbs and hands in keeping with our theme of the past few posts. Read More
Free Live Music by Steve Key
Lou Mars tweets: "Beautiful Blue Sky Day in Morro Bay, attending my first live music festival sober, and it's a Margarita Festival LOL . . ." Read More
Go Green by Lawson Schaller
Thanks to Stacey Hunt and Ecologistics, a local non-profit that is organizing the event, we will have our second regional Bioneers Conference at the Vet's Hall in San Luis Obispo, October 14-16. You will find a digital brochure of this year's event on Ecologistics website. Read More
Grow, Learn, Eat by Gibsy Beckett
The weekend of our one block feast had finally arrived and along with all the preparations and last minute details, our neighborhood team collaborated on a timeline of the many events leading up to Sunday's big gala. Sunset Magazine's photography team received our three day agenda and arrived early Friday morning to follow us on our adventurous weekend, beginning with photos of our team harvesting oysters in the bay. With camera crew in tow, we biked around the neighborhood exchanging ingredients and helping with wheat berry grinding for the honey wheat bread rolls, sea salt making, whipping eggs for the Pavlova dessert, and harvesting of all the ripe fruits and vegetables in the children's garden. Read More
Medical Myth Busting by Dr. Steven Sainsbury
Jon and Matt, your three-year old twins have just started daycare. They are excited to interact daily with a new group of playmates, and you welcome the brief respite for a few hours a day. However, within a week, the frosting comes off the cake as both boys develop a runny nose, slight fever, sneezing, and cough — their first "colds." Read More
Observations of a Country Squire by George Zidbeck
Now and then I punch out the first words of a literary sortie by introducing miscellaneous editorial tangents. After all, our life stories seldom fall into symmetrical dimensions. At times I feel the need to choreograph not just time and place, but also beg you to consider my biased perspectives. Well, I'm going to push those considerations aside and get right to the story that took place during my recent return home from Reno, Nevada. Read More
Slo Coast Cooking by Elise Griffith (NEW MONTHLY COLUMN)
We're very fortunate to live in an area where there's an abundance of fresh foods available throughout the year, much of it produced here in SLO County. From Cal Poly eggs to See Canyon apples, Arroyo Grande cabbage, Harris Ranch beef, or locally caught seafood, we have a wide variety of choices for delicious, healthy meals. California's coastal cooking is—in one word—FRESH. Read More
Surfing Out Of The Box by Paul Finley
We had a beautiful swell light up the coastline a couple weeks ago.
Unfortunately, I was out of the water for the better part of last
month due to a minor operation and trying my very best to follow
doctor's orders. During this time out of the water I was able to
reflect on the feelings that abound as a swell approaches our coast
and the nagging reality of not being able to surf. Well, that swell
passed and a new swell fills in as I am writing these words, so that
should give some retrospective insight into the fleeting dilemma that
I put my mind through so much turmoil trying to process. Read More
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