Bobcat by Cleve Nash

Bobcat by Cleve Nash

Snowy Egrets by Alan Schmierer

Goats and Dogs at Point Buchon
by Jeanie Greensfelder
A Bird's Eye View by Mike Stiles
Every so often I use this space to highlight our county birders. One can hardly mention San Luis Obispo County without Tom Edell's name coming to mind, and not only locally, but throughout California. Tom is a highly regarded birder. His identification skills, his grasp of the status and distribution of county birds, and his tireless devotion to our local birding scene for many years borders on the legendary. Read More
Coastland Contemplations by Michele Oksen
While hiking the woodlands of our SLO coast you may see signs left behind by black bears. One of the most common indications that a bear walked the trail before you is a big pile of bear poop. This time of year these piles are likely full of seeds that resemble coffee beans because the coffeeberry shrubs are ripe with fruit. Read More
Elfin Forest by Jean Wheeler
Archaeologist Barry Price will help us to do some time traveling into the pre-Spanish past of Central Coast inhabitants, the Chumash and their ancestors. Walking along the boardwalk, he will tell us of the fascinating story of the ancient peoples who camped on Elfin Forest land 1,000 years or more ago. We will see shells on the sand signifying that long ago, shellfish were an important part of the local Chumash diet. We'll learn about Chumash money, economy and trade. This walk will reveal a complex world of the Elfin Forest's past inhabitants, one that we would never suspect today. Read More
Marine Sanctuaries by Carol Georgi
The "ethnosphere," a term coined by Wade Davis, National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence, is defined as "The sum total of all thoughts, dreams, ideas, beliefs, myths, intuitions, and inspirations brought into being by the human imagination since the dawn of consciousness. It's a symbol of all that we've accomplished and all that we can accomplish." (Utne.com - Tales of the Ethnosphere). For the Chumash in general and for the local northern Chumash, Yak Tityu Tityu, this includes their relationship with ocean, land, coast and their belief and experience that all life and that which supports life are sacred. Read More
Sweet Springs Reflections by Holly Sletteland
As many of you know, we had our formal kickoff party to begin the restoration of the new addition to Sweet Springs on Saturday, September 24th. I owe a huge thanks to everyone who helped to make it a success, from the community leaders who inspired us with their thoughts, to the many local businesses who contributed food and drinks and to all of the volunteers who helped us take the first steps to reclaim the ground from invasive weeds. It was a very important beginning. Read More

Female Elephant Seals in
Dispute Over Space by Kevin Cole
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Peregrine Falcon image on banner by Cleve Nash |
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