The Elements of Life
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Lucille Bosco
Write to Lucille
White Hawk Medicine Woman
Dreamcatchers Creative Services
PO Box 1401
Cambria, CA 93428

Each day we awaken with the faith that with daybreak the Sun will shine its light upon the earth as the dawning of a fresh new day with all its possibilities. As your Astro Guide, I will highlight significant planetary shifts that will be occurring during the current month that will prove to be interesting and helpful as you express yourself in the world.

September Forecast 2014

"What dreams may come..."

by Lucille M. Bosco, M.A.
White Hawk Medicine Woman

Dedicated to the mystery of the life and times of Robin Williams
Sunset Goodbye

As we turn our calendars to September 1st, the Sun continues to makes it journey through the mutable, earth sign of Virgo, until the Autumnal Equinox on September 22nd.

On that date, the Sun enters the cardinal, air sign of Libra. Each astrological sign has a particular way of expressing their assigned element, whether it is fire, earth, air or water. The blending of the element of earth characteristically considered solid, with the quality of mutability, has the capacity to shake the foundation of our consciousness and/or physical existence.

As always, it is required to look at the Cosmic Map in its entirety to capture the essential story of the "Stars." For now, I will continue my passage through the romantic and eventful month of September, where learning begins once again, relationships transform into commitments, babies are born and countless birthday celebrations will be enjoyed.

Secrets, Secrets, Secrets. The month of September holds within the circle of time, the intense energy at the forefront with the planets Saturn and Mars in the fixed water sign of Scorpio. The first house represents the archetypal energy of the persona or mask. The moon is in the mutable, fire sign of Sagittarius. The Centaur will attempt to send a flaming arrow of Truth to break through the solid waters of Scorpio. The planet Saturn in Scorpio is gradually moving into the shadow of the 12th house, where all the "secrets" will easily stay hidden for a while longer until the energy shifts.

Our urge is to follow the masculine energy of the Sun in Virgo, who is experiencing the 10th house of self-image. The light of our self-image has the opportunity to shine bright or descend into the shadow of despair. The Sun is joined by Venus in the fixed, fire sign of Leo. The strength of the celestial Sun could be overshadowed by the bombastic expression and natural beauty of Venus in Leo. Even though Virgo has the strength of the celestial Sun, Leo will dramatize how being a "stuffed shirt" is getting in the way of their creative expression.

The zodiac wheel of life teaches the meaning of the tension of the opposites. Each sign has its polar opposite (180 degrees apart). The September 8th Super Full Moon in Pisces, exemplifies how oppositions offer opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. From our point in time and space, the mutable, water element of Pisces will be transiting through the 4th house of home. Neptune in Pisces is alongside the last of the Super Full Moons for 2014. The Moon symbolizes Mother. The Soul (Neptune in Pisces) has come home (4th house) to the integration of Universal Love from Neptune with the embrace from their personal Great Mother. In opposition to this mystical manifestation appears the Sun (Father) and Venus (The Lover), both possessing the dynamism for material manifestation. The reflection of the tenth house offers the healing (Virgo) elements of form, in honor of the Spirit of the Great Mother and Father Neptune of the mystical sea (unconscious). The reflection of the fourth house offers the unconditional love that is sometimes lacking in the expansiveness of the world (10th house), where image is everything and love is forgotten.

As our journey continues, nature provides an autumnal vista of changes that hails the coming of the equinox on September 22nd. There is a change in the air. You can see it when the leaves of the trees metamorphose into the soft hues of reddish browns to golden. You can feel it from the nip in the morning air. Daylight diminishes. Nighttime increases. We only need to look once again at the cosmic map, to realize the juxtaposition of the planets calls for balancing all forms of global and personal relationships through forgiveness, by way of the Sage. Our Sage is positioned in the first house.

The persona of the Sagittarius is forthright. Mars (Warrior) is transiting in the mutable, fire sign of Sagittarius, who is also, symbolized by the Centaur, half man, half horse whose gift is the projection of the wounded healer. The enlightened one now has the ability of inner knowing to contribute to the healing of our planet.

The planet Pluto in Capricorn is transiting the second house of form. Pluto represents the archetype of death and rebirth as symbolized by the snake as he sheds his skin to make room for the rebirth of a new body, mind and spirit. Capricorn is symbolized by the Mountain-Goat and Sea-Goat. The Mountain-Goat proceeds up the mountain sure and steady for the simple goal of self-aggrandizement. The Sea-Goat comes out of the sea with divine gifts to give toward the spiritual evolution of humankind (Oken).

The tenth house contains the Sun, Moon, and Venus in Virgo, the sign of service to humanity. As we continue onto the eleventh house of Humanity, Mercury in Libra will communicate strongly for justice for all. The most powerful aspect in the chart is the North Node, as it represents our destination point this lifetime. The North Node is constellating in the sign of balance, Libra. To complete our passage through the cosmic map, it is essential to enter the door to the other side. We must look for door number 12. We cross over into the dreamy mist, only to feel the icy, coldness of Saturn in Scorpio. Fear not, off in the background is the spirit of Neptune to protect your soul.

The Sun constellates into Libra on September 23rd. Venus governs the sign of Libra. This celestial body is the most familiar planet and archetypal energy as she represents Love, the unifying force that we all seek until we realize we have always had it within us.

"Our life is an apprenticeship to the truth that around every circle another can be drawn; that there is no end in nature, but every end is a beginning; that there is always another dawn risen on mid-noon, and under every deep a lower deep opens."   -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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