Drawing by Aaron Greensfelder
Slaying Dragons
Waving his battle-axe
he slays dragons and goblins
preparing me for The Hobbit,
a movie he's seen three times.
The stone giant, will freak you out—
he's my personal favorite monster.
We watch the YouTube previews
and I am properly scared.
Later, when he climbs the dark stairs
to shower, he asks his grandmother
who can't open a pickle jar
to come with him and stand guard.
Horizon Moon
With a ladder, I could climb to you.
With a frame, I could mount you.
With a lasso, I could corral you.
Though I plot and plan
you elude me, and rise
in the night sky.
At the farmers' market, heads turn
strangers greet me warmly,
pleased to see, but not bother
their local congresswoman.
I smile and wave.
Yep, I'm her look-alike, enjoying
and enduring Lois Capps's fame
during the past fifteen years.
A few ask me, and we laugh at their error,
but when gratitude overflows, I break hearts —
dining out, a man knelt next to me,
thanked me profusely as my pasta cooled
and I apologized for being me.
At Vons, I pick my pears
and see two women stare at me.
They bubble at their good luck —
how I won my election,
how I'm even shopping,
how they love me.
I look into their tender faces
and heartbreaking words won't come.
With my hands in prayer position,
I bow and thank them.
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