A: First what is a "crackhead?" The dictionary says it is someone who is addicted to cocaine or other chemicals. In the rest of the article I will be referring to "crackheads" as dietary "crackheads." What is a dietary "crackhead?" One who is addicted to refined carbohydrates and sugars. Refined carbohydrates have what is called an addiction chemistry that is induced when we eat these foods. This addiction chemistry makes us crave these refined carbohydrates.
We all have some form of this addiction. I love ice cream and custards. Maybe a few other items. No matter what our addition is we can make it seem ok. Ice cream has dairy and sometimes fruit in it. Chocolate is good for us, it's an anti-inflammatory. We all go through time of overindulging in these foods. Stress, the lack of sleep, or hard to get to sleep, for example, causes us to be "crackheads."
Here is the bottom line. If you gain weight easily or have a few extra pounds you are a dietary "crackhead." You are not alone. You need to take control over the inner addition chemical to stop the dietary "crackhead" within you. First you must accept that you are a dietary "crackhead."
Refined carbohydrates and sugar withdrawal is like opiate withdrawal according to researchers. Just thinking about sugars causes the addiction chemical to react.
There are two movies I suggest you watch. "Fat Head" is about a fast food diet to loose weight and "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" which is about fasting to loose weight. I recommend doing neither for your health.
Instead I recommend what is called a normal diet. Some good diets are the Mediterranean Diet, the Nordic diet, and the Native American Diet. These diets are referred to as the Paleo diets. They consist of lean meat, fish, fruits and vegetables.
These diets are associated with long term heal and maintaining normal body weight. So eat right for a long and healthy life.
Answers to last months state quiz. (1) West Virginia had the first paved street. (2) Indiana is home to Santa Claus, Indiana. (3) Arizona does not change time.
This month's state questions. (1) The ice cream sundae was invented in 1881 in what state? (For us ice cream "crackheads.") (2) Which state has the most ghost towns? (3) The Fig Newton was named after Newton, _________. (For us sweet tooth "crackheads").
Now don't we all feel better?
As always stay well, win the war against disease, and enjoy a long healthy life.