In the shallows of Morro Bay grow meadows of eelgrass. These eelgrass meadows are important to the estuary's health and to the creatures that live in our bay, especially Pacific black brant, a migratory goose that grazes on eelgrass while overwintering here. Eelgrass acreage has declined dramatically over the last 5 years, drawing attention from state and local agencies and conservation groups. Now a diverse group has joined forces to partner on a restoration effort.
Morro Bay supports the third largest eelgrass beds in southern California and the fifth largest in California. Since 2003, the Estuary Program has tracked the extent of eelgrass here using aerial imagery and has been working with researchers across the west coast to understand the context and potential causes of recent declines. "We have not been able to identify a single apparent cause for the declines we're seeing in Morro Bay. More likely, a long streak of diverse impacts has led to the losses in the Southern areas of Morro Bay," said Annie Gillespie, Monitoring Projects Manager for the Estuary Program.
During the week of September 17th, the Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) will be supporting supplemental eelgrass replanting in association with their 2010 dredging of the navigation channels in Morro Bay. The ACOE contracted with eelgrass experts Merkel & Associates, Inc., to design and monitor this supplemental replanting effort aimed at kick-starting recovery of eelgrass in the central and southern portions of Morro Bay.
The Estuary Program has been coordinating with Merkel & Associates, Inc. and interested community partners, including the Black Brant Group and Morro Coast Audubon Society, about potential eelgrass restoration efforts in Morro Bay. The Black Brant Group and Morro Coast Audubon have a strong interest in eelgrass recovery as it is the main food source for black brant, an Audubon Watch List species and an important species to sportsmen. "Eelgrass is an extremely important resource that helps make Morro Bay an important Pacific flyway stopover. Black Brant are a Bird Species of Special Concern in California and are one of the reasons that Morro Bay has been designated by National Audubon Society as an Important Bird Area," said Jennifer Moonjian, President of Morro Coast Audubon Society.
The eelgrass planting program being conducted by the Army Corps in association with its maintenance dredging work has provided synergistic opportunities for community restoration efforts being organized through the Estuary Program. For this expanded effort, the Black Brant Group and Morro Coast Audubon have made generous donations to fund additional pilot planting beyond the work being undertaken by Army Corps. "We decided to use money from our yearly fundraiser in support of this effort because Morro Bay is an important feeding stop on the brant's yearly migration from their nesting grounds in Alaska to their wintering grounds in Baja California," said David Owens, member of the Black Brant Group. This pilot effort will help guide potential larger replanting activities in the bay.
At its peak extent in the 1970's, eelgrass was estimated to cover nearly 500 acres of the intertidal flats and shallow subtidal areas of Morro Bay. As recently as 2007, eelgrass was known to cover nearly 350 acres of Morro Bay. Today it is estimated that an additional 250 acres of eelgrass or more have been lost and that fewer than 100 acres of eelgrass remains in the Bay.
Eelgrass meadows are sensitive to changes in water quality, water temperature and salinity. For example, if water clarity is poor, sunlight cannot reach the beds, cutting photosynthesis and causing a decline of eelgrass. Light penetration through the water can be limited by suspended sediment or algae blooms. "While the cause of the decline is still not well understood, the Estuary Program and its partners are working to protect remaining eelgrass beds and restore eelgrass habitat in Morro Bay," said Adrienne Harris, Executive Director of the Estuary Program.
Eelgrass beds create valuable habitat for sea life and are considered to be one of the most productive ecosystems on the planet. The structure of eelgrass offers shelter and spawning areas for many fish species, including commercially important species caught off shore by local fishermen. It also supports a complicated food web that extends beyond the limits of the eelgrass itself. The multitude of ecological services provided by eelgrass make it a "foundation species" in the ecosystem. Foundation species are individual species, typically primary producers, which are key to structuring and supporting a unique community of species.
The Morro Bay National Estuary Program is one of 28 National Estuary Programs around the country working to improve the health of our nation's coastal waters. The Estuary Program brings citizens, local government, non-profit organizations, agencies, and landowners together to protect and restore the Morro Bay Estuary for people and wildlife. The Estuary Program conducts watershed restoration work to improve the health of the bay, including its eelgrass beds.
The Black Brant Group is a local non-profit based in Morro Bay that is dedicated to the protection of our natural resources with an emphasis on the preservation of waterfowl and the conservation of wetland habitat while maintaining the traditions of hunting. The group takes an active role in building awareness and a cooperative spirit between hunting and non-hunting interests, as well as supporting Black Brant research. Visit The Black Brant Group to learn more. Tickets for their annual fundraising event are available by calling 805-772-5229 or 805-772-9630.
Morro Coast Audubon Society was first established in 1967 as a way to protect the peregrine falcons nesting at Morro Rock. The mission of Morro Coast Audubon is to promote the appreciation, conservation and restoration of ecosystems, focusing on the biological diversity of birds, other wildlife, and their habitats. Morro Coast Audubon has many opportunities for volunteer work including monitoring, public outreach, and habitat restoration. Please visit the website or support MCAS at Morro Coast Audubon or call 805-772-1991.
The Estuary Program (a local 501(c)(3)) and its partners are currently raising money for future restoration efforts. If you are interested in supporting eelgrass restoration in Morro Bay contact the Estuary Program. Call 772-3834 or visit MB National Estuary Program.