3/14/11 In a unanimous 9-0 vote, the San Luis Obispo County Health Commission took action supporting the SLO County Board of Supervisors’ request for a suspension of the installation of wireless smart meters in order to allow county residents to choose alternatives to the devices. The boards' resolution addressed numerous county residents' complaints about the utility meters, including health, and indicated that several county residents have testified to experiencing adverse health effects after the installation of such meters.
The Board of Supervisors' letter to CPUC President, Michael Peevey, states: "The complaints are too numerous and the issues potentially too significant and far reaching to ignore. It is the opinion of the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors that the CPUC, as the regulatory body, should take immediate action to order PG&E to suspend installation of the wireless smart meters until such time as the consumer is given a choice of having an alternative to the wireless smart meter."
PG&E representatives and consultants attempted to assure the Health Commission that wireless smart meters were safe based on low levels of radiation that they emit. But the Health Commission resolved to support the Board of Supervisors action to ensure the health and safety of county residents.
This determination and action by the SLO Health Commission may be the needed wake-up call for other county health departments and the State to look beyond what they are told by PG&E corporate management and their paid consultants.
Certainly the people of Hinkley California and San Bruno California can testify to the effects of trusting PG&E Corporate Management.