In the Aquarium Auditorium
Dark mascara highlights the pale skin
of a Demi Moore look-alike—before the
silver nostril ring and punched ear lobes.
Her scalp is shaved on the sides, and
dyed black braids dangle from top hair.
A skull image adorns a handbag
hanging from her bare shoulder
showing some tattooed flying bats.
Blouse open, she breastfeeds
a two-year-old towhead, a beatific scene.
The movie begins, Ocean Mysteries,
but I'm entranced in hers.
Seed Teeth holes in the bird feed bag--
a delicious day turns to turmoil.
I shift from being benign to murder.
At the check-out counter, the woman
commiserates, offers her two cats.
Tonight I feel my green friends,
who raise kale, cabbage and cucumbers,
who compost and bake flax-laced crackers,
play You could've, You should've
as I lie awake thinking of the mouse
who thought he'd found heaven
and how I had to send him there.