Commentary on the June City Council Meetings
and Anything Else That Riles Up my Demons
by Sandra Beebe
July 12th City Council Meeting
Summer is here and the City Council's agenda reflects the season. Only one meeting was held during July and that one barely exceeded two hours.
During public comment, Susan Brown, manager of Morro Bay Transit Company, enthusiastically presented the new flex-fixed route schedule. For more detail visit their website. Since I'm still intact enough to drive, I don't partake of their services yet, but someone has done an excellent job of revamping their schedule from a dial-a-ride to the new array of possibilities. I particularly like the fact that one can flag down the bus or trolley anywhere on the route. To be picked up at your home you pay more and reserve this service at least a day in advance. Ms. Brown, from her appearances at Council meetings, seems both competent and ready to accommodate.
Another resident who spoke during the public comment period was Mike Anderson. He has the misfortune to have a home adjacent to the dog park in Del Mar Park. He stated very politely that the noise is worse than anticipated. He and his neighbors are bombarded with an almost constant stream of barking dogs and yelling owners. As someone who values the quiet serenity of her home, he easily won my sympathy. He was asking for the Council to fulfill their promise of working out any problems the owners of the homes in that area had after the park opened.
Also present was a member of Morro Bay Pups, who sponsor the park. They stated that they want very much to eliminate any difficulties that arise. Hopefully, that organization will address Mr. Anderson's and his neighbors' need for a bit of peace and quiet in their homes.
Getting Down to Business
During the business part of the meeting, the Council approved an increase in the assessment of tourism businesses from 2% to 3%, with a public meeting and hearing to be held in the future.
Mayor Peters had agendized the topic of making the various city boards more involved and effective. We probably all know someone who has sat on one of the appointed boards. With the exception of the Planning Commission many volunteers seem to feel they are not contributing as they thought they might when they joined the various boards. Mayor Peters wanted to address that issue. It was decided to reinstate the annual joint meeting/dinner/potluck to increase communication between the boards and Council. More importantly, one member of the Council will be in direct communication with each committee.
One of the things I enjoy about these meetings is getting to know other people who live here that I have not come in contact with. Such a person is Bill Luffee from the Harbor Advisory Committee. He's a prime example of a talented fellow who wants to offer more to the city but feels frustrated that from his seat on this board he cannot. Unfortunately, this aspect was not totally addressed at this meeting but; perhaps, with the new system of having a specified Council member for each board, progress will be made.
Another item approved was the request to utilize Park-in-Lieu funds for an initial study as required for application for the Teen Center Master Plan grant funds. The title of this agenda item was actually longer and confusing, but it did seem like it was something that is required in order to get where we want to go. If any of you remember the teens who spoke when the city was considering shutting down the teen center, you know this has to be a good thing. They were so terrific at that meeting that each of us who saw and heard their pleas wanted to do our best not to let them down. The grants in question will lead to this goal.
Leaf blowers were the center of another piece of business. Some studies consider the gas variety to be a health hazard. Council followed staff's recommendation that nothing be done till further information is received. Myself, I prefer the quiet electric type, but they present their own set of limitations.
Curmudgeon Gripe of the Month
Fireworks Over Our Bay - 1
Birds Who Live in Our Rookery - 0
So much for a rather tranquil July meeting. I have no doubt that further meetings; thus future columns, will not be a cause for somnolence
Since the year 2000, Sandra & Curt Beebe have installed 36 Mutt Mitt dispensers in and around Morro Bay. The Mitts are funded by donations from individuals, organizations, and grants. Make the checks out to "The Bay Foundation" for a tax deduction. Be sure to note "Mutt Mitts" on the front of the check. The Bay Foundation is a 501(c)(3) and is administered by the National Estuary Program. For more information about this "Mutt Mitt" Program, contact Sandra at email