Morro Bay LibraryAugust 2010
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Morro Bay Library Upcoming Events
625 Harbor Street

Morro Bay Library

A special session with six local authors and illustrators of children's books will highlight the children's theme for August book discussions programs of the Friends of the Morro Bay in the Program Room of the Library, 625 Harbor Street.

In addition, the next book sale in the Friends' quarterly, popular series of sales to raise funds for the library will be held on Saturday, August 7, at the Library. Members only will be admitted to the sale from 9 to 10 a.m. with the public sale from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. A $3 per bag sale will be  from 1 to 2 p.m.

The first book discussion of the month will take place on August 4 from 10 a.m. to noon, the regular time slot for all the Wednesday discussion programs that the Friends offer free to the public. Everyone is invited to attend, listen, or interact, whether they have read any of the books or not. For the comfort of all attending, everyone is asked to come fragrance free.

The August 4 gathering will center on the book, "From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler" by E.L. Konigsburg, which tells a wonderful story of adventure with Claudia, the main character, who decides to run away with her brother, Jamie. And what they discover along the way is worth reading and delving into through discussion.

August 11 is the Inspirational Wednesday Program, and the book will be "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein, which tells a tender story and a moving parable for readers of all ages. It offers an affecting interpretation of the gift of giving and a serene acceptance of another's capacity to love in return. What can we learn about ourselves from this story?

"M.C. Higgins, the Great" by Virginia Hamilton will be discussed on August 18. It is about Sarah's Mountain, which has been home to the Higgins family ever since M.C.'s great-grandmother Sarah came here as a runaway slave. But then their home was threatened by strip-mining, and two strangers appear in the hills to help M.C. save his family. But did they?

Childrens' Book Authors and Illustrators

Then on August 25, visitors will have a rare opportunity to listen to the authors and illustrators at the Friends' Special Fourth Wednesdays Program and hear them describe what it takes to write and illustrate children's books in today's world. They are Kathy Aulbach, Evelyn Dabritz, Nancy Fisher, Isobel Hoffman, Virginia Lasher and Janice Peters.

Aulbach owns the Seawind Gallery in Morro Bay, where she displays her own and other selected artists' works, and offers her picture framing services. Two years ago, she partnered with Peters on a series of children's books featuring the "Flower Sprouts" characters.

Dabitz, a native of California and now a resident of Cayucos, is the author of "Bonnie Barnacle Finds a Home," "How the Innkeeper Worm Got a Full House" and "The Kelp Condo Crisis." She taught first grade for 19 years and kindergarten for five years for the Whittier City School District. For 18 years, she has been a docent at the Morro Bay Museum of Natural History where she shares her knowledge and love of nature with hundreds of  children attending school tours at the museum.

Fisher, Lasher's cousin and illustrator of her books, has worked as an instructor and activities director for all ages, an illustrator, artist and writer and has had two of her own books published. But, she says, her greatest thrill has been in illustrating for her cousin. She lives in Torrance.

Lasher, who prefers to be called Ginger, her father's pet name for her, spent many years as a nurse at Children's Hospital in Los Angeles but turned to writing poetry and short stories, and her first book, "The Secret of Crooked Creek," won the Shamrock Award. Later, she moved to Grover Beach and joined a small writer's group, the Night Writers in San Luis Obispo.

Hoffman taught nursery school and then became a secretary in a textbook publishing house, and later was appointed as an editor of college psychology textbooks. When her husband retired, they moved to Los Osos in 1984. Always interested in art, she began to do landscapes and  abstracts. She met Dabritz and agreed to illustrate her book, "Bonnie Barnacle Finds a Home."

Peters, of course, is mayor of Morro Bay and also a professional photographer. She has published a series of books entitled "Flower Sprouts."

Friends of the Library regularly host book discussion groups on the first and third Wednesdays of the month, discussions on inspirational topics on the second Wednesday and frequent readings by local authors, and special presentations toward a celebration and appreciation of  literature on most fourth and fifth Wednesdays.  Friends also provides volunteers to support library services and operations, publishes a newsletter distributed throughout the community four times a year, and builds and maintains awareness of library needs and services throughout the community. For more information, contact Friends' president Karen Robert by phone (772-9268), email, or visit the website.

Want to Share or Learn About a Special Book?
Friends of the Library Has Just the Order for You

Ever read a wonderful book and wish you could talk about it with someone and share the joy that only a book holds? Or ever have someone tell you about a good book and after falling in love with it, you shudder that otherwise you would might never have discovered it?

If either of those situations clicks with you, then the Morro Bay Friends of the Library have just the right book discussions coming up. Participants can either tell about books that have impressed them or just listen and find out about books that may impress you.

Normally, there are assigned books that the regular discussion groups review and discuss on those Wednesdays. But no books were assigned this month, so anyone can come and share their own individual choices this time.

The Friends have a range of offerings for anyone who likes the idea of discussing books they just read, who just wants to learn more about a book before reading it or who wants to meet and hear local authors describe their books and experiences behind them. The regular Friends schedule calls for:

Discussion groups to meet regularly each Wednesday from 10 a.m. to noon.

—On the first and third Wednesdays, the basic readers discussion group meets to discuss certain assigned books that participants have planned to read and then discuss.

—The second Wednesdays are "Inspirational Wednesdays," which are devoted to reviewing and discussing thought-provoking books from leading authors who are guides to change, growth and self-acceptance. It presents an opportunity for readers to reflect and enjoy the opportunity of discussing books that can help change our world for the better.

—On the fourth and fifth Wednesdays, the Friends host local authors or artists who share their talents through readings, conversations, special presentations, demonstrations, and/or workshops.

Friends holds regular book sales to raise funds for the library. The next one is on Saturday, May 8, at the Library. Members only will be admitted to the sale from 9 to 10 a.m. with the public sale from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. A $3 per bag sale will be from 1 to 2 p.m.

Friends also provide volunteers to support library services and operations, publish a newsletter distributed throughout the community four times a year and build and maintain awareness of library needs and services throughout the community. For more information contact Karen Robert.

The programs are all free and open to everyone. More information on book lists, discussion dates, and/or the events schedule is available at Friends of the

Pipevine Swallowtail image on banner by Jerry Kirkhart
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