Morro Musings
Issue #8
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SLO-CJ  Janice Peters

In addition to serving as Mayor of Morro Bay, Janice is a professional photographer, Coordinator of the Winter Bird Festival, and co-author of a new series of childrens books.


Flower Sprouts
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Fun With Fundraising

by Janice Peters

"Let's put on a show!" It's a classic line from the movies, and the results always look so easy. Well, it's not so easy, but it sure is fun.

The idea for Morro Bay's annual Fundraiser Follies originated in 2007, when the City, due to budget constraints, could no longer provide free support services for local events. Variety show fundraisers have been successful for years in San Luis Obispo, Arroyo Grande and Cambria, and since I'd participated in the Women's Shelter show at the Madonna Inn for several years, I was familiar with the format and thought it would work on a smaller scale in Morro Bay.

It's one thing to have a grand vision, but you need a lot of people willing to share their time and talents to make it a reality. Fortunately, Nancy Castle shares my theatrical enthusiasm, so she agreed to be the director. Joan Powell, a professional dancer, signed on to help with the acts. Bob Lloyd provided technical expertise and Kathy Aulbach, Ann Reisner, Nancy Johnson and Susan Brown also volunteered their time.

We wanted to create a unique atmosphere for the show, more nightclub than theater, so we decided on the Community Center auditorium filled with the dining tables from the Market St. restaurant property. On the day of the 2008 show, our 4-person volunteer crew carted in over 100 tables, chairs and stools, all of which needed thorough cleaning…that took several hours! Joe Woods and his Recreation and Parks crew set up the platform stage, which we then decorated. Nancy Johnson decorated the room and the tables.

The AGP crew came in with their lighting and sound equipment, and things were looking pretty good when, at about 2 p.m., the rainstorm that was brewing got serious and blew an electrical transformer right outside the Community Center. The power went out through most of the city. Only the panicked whites of our eyes were visible in the darkness. "Emergency generators," said Bob Lloyd.

I turned to him and Nancy and pleaded, "Make magic happen." They did.

By 5 p.m., the magicians at AGP (Steve Mathieu and Billy Clayton had also been recruited for crisis control) had powered the entire show with the City's emergency generators and miles of extension cords. The lobby was lit with another extension cord running from Gary Englund's motor home in the parking lot. It was raining. The power was still out all over town. And at 6:30, undaunted, the audience started arriving.

Our debut production was themed "Morro Bay's Got Talent!" and included a flag ceremony by the Coast Guard, a violin solo by a local student, numbers by the Chamber of Commerce and City staff, a dance routine by the Planning Commission, an opera duet and several other vocal performances. Our MC, Councilmember Bill Peirce, was able to add humor to our technical challanges. The show went on before a standing room only crowd and, to the delight of all, it was a hit! That first year we were able to defray $1552 in permit and use fees for local events.

Flushed with our success, in spite of (or perhaps helped by) the weather, we decided to do two performances for 2009, and add some amenities. Dan Reddell and Morro Bay Rotary offered to operate a wine, beer, and soft drink bar. Newly elected Councilmembers Noah Smukler and Carla Borchard served pizza to accompany the cookies baked by the Morro Bay Seniors. Trina Dougherty signed on as Stage Manager and created a beautiful fabric Rock for the stage set. Joan Solu became our server coordinator. Once again, Hay Printing donated the posters and Mills ASAP donated the programs.

The 2009 show, "Morro Rocks!" included original songs, line dancing, group numbers and comedy routines. The two shows were both well attended, and that year we distributed $2340 to local events' costs.

For 2010, we opted for a shorter, tighter show, eliminating the MC and requiring more rehearsals by our performers. Jill Garcia joined our production team and created a cast information display for the lobby. Jesse Anton signed on as vocal coach. Jude Long managed the backstage. Don Doubledee set the stage and designed a lighted Broadway marquis sign. Ed Krovitz and Ani Lyn donated their services coordinating sales and volunteers. Terrific publicity was provided by Judy Salamacha and Neil Farrell.

"Broadway by the Bay" included a wide variety of music, with audience singalongs, tango dancing and some show-stopping singing performances. (Look for the video on Channel 20 if you missed the show!) Our Friday show was standing room only and Saturday nearly sold out as well. The accounting is not complete yet, but our distributable profits should again exceed the previous year's.

The Fundraiser Follies was created during my term as Mayor, but I fully intend to continue producing the show as long as the Council approves the event. For the record, Follies revenue is held in a separate fund and City costs are paid before the profits are distributed, so there is no impact on the General Fund.

It's thrilling to see the Follies become a success, and I've listed all the many supporters, donors and performers who have contributed to that success at the end of this article. But the best result is the joy we are sharing with the community. I get calls from people who attended the performances or watched them later on Channel 20, and all of them express their delight at the incredible talent we have in our community. That's the real reason we'll continue to "put on a show!"

The Sponsors

The Volunteers

The Performers

AGP Video

ASAP Reprographics

Bill Gaines Audio

Carla's Country Kitchen

Central Coast Music

Chamber of Commerce

Embarcadero Grill

Friends of the Library

Full of Life Flatbreads

Harbor Festival

Hay Printing

Morro Bay Beautiful

Morro Bay City Staff

Morro Bay Rotary

Morro Bay Seniors

New Frontiers Market

Spencer's Market

Steve Acker DJ Services

Sun'n'Buns Bakery

Syd Carr Audio

Village Center Cleaners

Bruce Ambo
Jesse Aston
Kathy Aulbach
Jack & Barbara Barrett
Brook Borchard
Carla Borchard
Susan Brown
Annette Bunnell
Carrie Burton
Nancy Castle
Aaron Chambers
Chanel Channing
Billy Clayton
Melody DeMeritt
Don Doubledee
Trina Dougherty
Jill Garcia
Rick & Claire Grantham
Damaris Hanson
Sherrye Haynie
Virginia Hiramatsu
Barb & Howard Ignatius
Nancy & Garry Johnson
Bridgett Kessling
Ed Krovitz
Bob Lloyd
Jude Long
Ani Lyn
Steve Mathieu
Jerry McCarty
Lynda Merrill
Kay Miller
Rich & Teri Miller
Tim Olivas
Marjy Rau
Dan Reddell
Ann Reisner
Jim Ross & Joyce
Rob Schultz
Linda Shearer
Noah Smukler
Joan Solu
Fran Strauser
Linda Tanner
Carol Tousignant
Zeke Turley
Rosalie Valvo
Norma Vaughan
Betty Winholtz

Rick Algert
Otis Archie
Jesse Aston
Kathy Aulbach
Peter Behman
Rochelle Bento
Greg Blassingame
Bill & Jamie Boucher
Jenny Brantlee
Susan Brown
Sharon Bufo
Peter Candela
Rick Carr
Nancy Castle
Phil Cisneros
Tim Cleath
Shodee Chapman
John DeRohan
Trina Dougherty
Jeff Eckles
Joe Eckles
Gary Englund
Neil Farrell
Marianna Frost
Jill Garcia
Sharon Gavin
Ben & Willow Hall
Mary Hwass Hay
Nancy Johnson
Gregg Kaufman
D'Onna Kennedy
Karsey Kennedy
Bridgett Kessling
Phil Kispersky
Andrea Klipfel
Nettie Knowlton
Caleb Lim
Rob Livick
Andrea Lueker
Bill Luffee
Gerry Luhr
Joyce Lundy
Roger Marlin
Roscoe Mathieu
Steve Mazzetta
Ryan McCoy
Rory McClish
Christine McDonald
Stuart McElhinney
Mike Miller
Cordelia Neil
Tracy Neil
Courtney Pask
Bill Peirce
Janice Peters
Taylor Peters
Don Podesto
Mike Pond
Joan Powell
Joe Repucci
Jan Romanazzi
Hank Roth
Gary Ryan
Nancy Sayer
Pauline Stansbury
Bonnie Tognazzini
Norma Vaughan
Jared Vincent
Camille Watkins
John Weiss
Bill Woodson
Nellie Mae Yeager
U. S. Coast Guard


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Wilderness Mind

Front Page
--Cambria Water Reaches Flood Stage . . .  of Information About Alternative Sources!
--City Staff Deserves Appreciation, Not Criticism
--The History of Morro Bay Activism
--Morro Bay Candidates
--New Branch Manager at Morro Bay Public Library
--New State Policy Could Derail Morro Bay Power Plant Closure
--Public Services Director Ambo Resigns
--Wastewater Treatment Scuffle Grows Murkier

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