Letters to the Editor
Issue #8
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Dear Editor,

From: Zorus P. Colglazier
Morro Bay

Thank you, SLOCoastJournal Editor for another outstanding news contribution to folks in Morro Bay & elsewhere.

I thought you might be interested in this note I wrote a wk or so ago to MB City Engr, Rob Livick . . .

"Hello, Mr Livick . . . having noticed and re-noticed this most worthy project your dep't has instituted w/in the past few wks (ie, of course, sanding/ abrading/*.*-down those very dangerous defects in various sidewalks around [thruout?] our city), I went by City Hall a coupla days ago to ask who I should express my gratitude (& admiration) to. The gentleman at the desk was kind enuf to give me your card.

"Thank you! Thannk you!! Thannnk you!!!
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd I have the feeling that whoever you contracted with for this mission is doing a far superior job than previous attempts that I have witnessed during my residency here. Again, THANK YOU!"

From: Kristine Wayne
Los Osos

Give Jack McCurdy, Lynne Harkin, and everyone who tracks the developments of local political stories for your paper a big thank you from me. My full time job and two kids make it impossible for my husband and me to know what is really going on. Having a media source that isn't bought and controlled by large corporate advertisers is refreshing and very much appreciated. Between you and the New Times, we are able to keep up with what is really going on! We read every article and are on your UPDATES list so we go straight to the Journal on the first of each month. Great resource!!

Night Painting
Photo by Marlin Harms:
Night Painting

Morro Rock Morning
Photo by Judy Sullivan:
Morro Rock Morning

Photo by Marlin Harms:  
Marina Sunrise with Heron

Kevin L. Cole
Photo by Kevin Cole:    
 Setting sun in Baywood Park

Pier Sunset
Photo by Anita Ritenour:  Pier Sunset

Gull at Sunset
Photo by Mark Williamson:
Gull at Sunset


From: Beverly June Davis
Silver City, New Mexico

I just wanted to thank you for your lovely e-publication.  I enjoy the photographs and the articles by Mr. Zidbeck and others.  

My husband collapsed in laughter at the antics taking place in the Squairedom.  We live in the high desert of New Mexico, and your journal  is a nice break from our environs.  We too observe deer - big  mule deer which dearly love our flowers, especially my husband's roses, so he could certainly relate to  the garden hose incident.  We look forward to the next issue!  

I am a fan of Mr. Zidbeck's and have read all of the family saga and recommend it to anyone who wants a really good, informative read.

From: Dottie Kalman
Cayucos Fan

I frequently visit my granddaughter and her family here. We discovered the Journal three months ago and absolutely love everything about it. How wonderful to keep up with her home town through your publication when I go back home. Thank you!

From: Michael Campbell
Fresno, CA

As a former police officer, I particularly enjoy Richard Hannibal's Behind the Badge and Beyond the Badge. The man tells it like it is. His respect for the job and the people he serves is evident in both columns. Good job.

From: Cherie Nelson

Thanks . . . I love keeping up with the local news 'online.' You guys do a nice job.  Keep it up!


Ignatius Dredge by Moonlight
Photo by Howard Ignatius:
Dredging Operations by Moonlight #2

We welcome your letters and will publish some of them here each month. Please include your name and location. When you submit a letter to the editor, we assume all rights to use your words and name as given. We reserve the right to not publish any that we consider to be abusive or inappropriate in content or language, is obscene, defamatory, or meant to incite violence. Constructive debate is welcome, but personal attacks on other comments or any writer will not be published. Keep it short. Don't use this forum for commercial purposes or violate copyrights.

Write to Editor@slocoastjournal.com

Cooper's Hawk image on banner by Cleve Nash.

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Letters to the Editor
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Front Page
--Cambria Water Reaches Flood Stage . . .  of Information About Alternative Sources!
--City Staff Deserves Appreciation, Not Criticism
--The History of Morro Bay Activism
--Morro Bay Candidates
--New Branch Manager at Morro Bay Public Library
--New State Policy Could Derail Morro Bay Power Plant Closure
--Public Services Director Ambo Resigns
--Wastewater Treatment Scuffle Grows Murkier

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