August 10th
After somehow slipping through the cracks, the plan for a redevelopment agency that staff was proposing, finally caught the attention of the residents of Morro Bay and they turned out in numbers. Most who attended spoke against taking on this project at this time.
Three of the Council members (Winhotz, Smuckler, and Borchard) agreed and the plan was tabled until some time in the future. Both Councilman Grantham and Mayor Peters were willing to address the concerns about eminent domain, but questions of how much money this plan would generate and where the money actually would come from were never answered to the satisfaction of many of those who attended. The three Council members who voted to table it concurred. No date was set to address this issue again.
August 24
This meeting was less eventful. A few members of the public were there because they thought the hearing to close out the community development block grant meant the RDA was still viable, which was incorrect.
A first reading was done for an ordinance requiring the fire chief to designate very high hazard severity zones.
The council approved an ordinance requiring a person riding a permitted coasting device at the Morro Bay Skate Park to wear a helmet, elbow pads, and knee pads.
When I watch the City Council meetings, not only do I get to learn about the city's government but I also get to meet - through Channel 20 - some of the diverse members of our incredible community. These are people I would never come in contact with in my daily activities.
There is a young woman, let's call her The Angry One, who has been appearing at the Council meetings for a year or so. I wonder why she is so full of rage and why she projects so much of it onto Mayor Peters. I frequently do not agree with our mayor but she is not the demon The Angry One accuses her of being. I can't help but wonder why she feels this is an effective means of communication. She reminds me of the mobs currently appearing at town hall meetings, protesting, in an inappropriately angry manner, made up issues concerning the health care reform that Congress is working on. Being loud and offensive does not mean one is right.
Then there is Mr. Condescending. He always tries to be at the end of the line of speakers so he can have the last word. He speaks to the Council in a very patronizing manner - as if he is a father disciplining a child who dares to think differently than he does. He doesn't seem to feel that they have the intelligence to understand even the simplest of ideas. I wonder what that's all about.
Of course then there are those like Roger Ewing, who always demonstrates how to make one's point without behaving badly. He has been missing from the meetings lately. I hope he will return soon. He always speaks with such a respectful tone, even when disagreeing with the Council's decisions. I hope he knows how much many of us admire him and his polite and thoughtful ways.
My favorite speakers recently have been the teenagers who spoke last month about the possible closing of the youth center. They reminded all of us of what it is like to be young and to not have found a place yet where we belong. They were such beautiful young people who were so unaware of that. They would have all fit perfectly in one of John Hughes's movies of teenagers struggling with life's quandaries. I loved each and every one of them who spoke. They should be applauded for overcoming their anxiety and speaking out on an issue that was important in their lives. None of them spoke in angry or condescending voices. Take note and follow, adults!!!
Since the year 2000, Sandra & Curt Beebe have installed 36 Mutt Mitt dispensers in and around Morro Bay. The Mitts are funded by donations from individuals, organizations, and grants. Make the checks out to "The Bay Foundation" for a tax deduction. Be sure to note "Mutt Mitts" on the front of the check. The Bay Foundation is a 501(c)(3) and is administered by the National Estuary Program. For more information about this "Mutt Mitt" Program, contact Sandra at email