MORRO BAY PEACE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION2009 Annual Fundraising EffortDear friends and neighbors, As many of you know, members of the Morro Bay Peace Officers' Association (MBPOA) work under the department's vision to provide the highest quality of police service in partnership with our community. This means that we work as a team to fight crime and ensure public safety. In addition, the MBPOA is dedicated to supporting the various projects and programs that help us evolve into a better community. We realize these are tough times and the community members we love and support need us now more than ever. We can help these worthy causes through your generous support of our annual fund raising efforts. Other agencies rely on fund raising organizations and telemarketers to raise much-needed funds. We believe that type of fundraising is not in the best interest of our community. And, we do not want a percentage of those funds to go to a third party. Thus, the MBPOA requests your support by means of direct-mail and advertising in publications that allow us to talk to you at no cost, such as the SLO Coast Journal. This ensures your donations remain local for the betterment of our community. The Morro Bay Peace Officers' Association is a non-profit organization. All funds raised will be used to benefit the MBPOA and its goals. Some of these goals include donations to the Special Olympics, SLO County Hotline, Central Coast Little League, Morro Bay Thanksgiving Dinner, Morro Bay Child Seat Safety Program, Morro Bay Neighborhood Watch, a Morro Bay High School Scholarship, and in providing toys for our annual 'Caroling Cops' at Christmas time. If you have any questions, please feel free to call (805) 772-6225 or ask a cop on the street. Thank you for your consideration and support of the Morro Bay Peace Officers' Association and our desire toward a safe and benevolent community.