The Elements of Life
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Lucille Bosco
Write to Lucille
White Hawk Medicine Woman
Dreamcatchers Creative Services
PO Box 1401
Cambria, CA 93428

Each day we awaken with the faith that with daybreak the Sun will shine its light upon the earth as the dawning of a fresh new day with all its possibilities. As your Astro Guide, I will highlight significant planetary shifts that will be occurring during the current month that will prove to be interesting and helpful as you express yourself in the world.

The Rebirth of Venus is the Rebirth of Love

"What dreams may come..."

by Lucille M. Bosco, M.A.
White Hawk Medicine Woman

The dance of October will begin with the song of Venus in Libra, the goddess of love and beauty. "According to Ficino’s Platonism, [Venus] lives in the Cosmic Mind" (Moore, p.140). The Goddess influences the masculine Sun, as this heavenly body moves through the sign of Libra until the 23rd of October.

The Babylonians were said to have called Venus the "bright queen of the sky" in 1581 BCE (Wikipedia). From the symbol for Venus we can discern the archetypal significance she has in the Cosmic Map of Life. The circle represents "Divine Spirit" above matter (cross) combining in a cosmic vibration to stir our heart and mind toward..., "two kinds of love, human and divine,...,"(Moore, p.140).

Never fear, for we will not get "stuck" on the love train! On October 4th, a mere four days into the month of October, Mercury shifts directions into retrograde. With the sign of Scorpio constellating the planet Mercury, this could indicate a period of time to turn our focus to the scourges that plague humanity. Prior scientific discoveries and causes will need to be reviewed and scrutinized. This action, or "reaction," is supported by the energy of the North Node in Libra as it moves near Mercury in the 11th house of humanity. The North Node of the moon signifies the destination point of each of our..."evolving egocentric soul," revealing our purpose for this lifetime.

The symbol for Libra represents the Sun sinking on the horizon as night comes to dominate in the yearly cycle. The upper line symbolizes higher mental powers, while the lower line stands for material existence, issuing forth the appeal for the scales of truth and justice in our lives.

The act of truth and justice is supported by the warrior planet of Mars with reinforcement from the aspect of Mars constellating in Sagittarius, the Centaur. The stage for this ingress is proudly in the first house of direct action. According to author, Greg Bogart (2012), "The Sagittarius Centaur symbol suggests that we possess the horse’s power, which we can mount and with which we can expand our range of activity" (p.365). In other words, the Centaur is the wounded healer who goes forth with a purely honest intentions, armed with arrows of truth.

The arrows from Mars in Sagittarius will light a spontaneous spark through the polarities between the Aries Lunar Eclipse and the Solar Light in Libra. The illumination from this full moon will be too bright to ignore the imbalance between the free flowing transformative power of the feminine in opposition to the misuse of militant power of the masculine. Mercury must have received the message from the Sun and the Moon because this Magician traveled back into the sign of Libra just to pose as a Mediator.

To the naked eye it appears as if the Universe is moving in a slow, rhythmic passage through time. The reality is that the kinetic energy keeps the celestial bodies moving at warp speed. In a nanosecond it is the 23rd of October. Time for the Sun to make its ingress in the fixed water sign of Scorpio.

The earth slows down, the people don’t. In fact, on the same day, the New Moon transits into the same sign of Scorpio. During the phase of a New Moon, it appears as if the moon has been engulfed into the deep darkness of the night sky. The stars seem bigger and brighter giving off an extra twinkle with the black drop of nothingness, adding an element of wonderment to an already mysterious cosmos.

The Scorpio Solar Eclipse on October 23rd , offers us another chance to rise up from the ashes of our discontent anew, but, not without clearing the mental and emotional baggage from the past. The higher octave of Scorpio is transformation. Why not shed the outworn skin of your persona?The only purpose a mask serves is a false sense of security and only keeps you hidden from world. Seriously, does that attitude ever serve anyone? Rip that mask off, because the Magician (Mercury) is on the direct move on October 25th. You will need to take off the veil of discontent to get a clear view of the damage that occurred during the three weeks of Mercury being the Trickster of time travel. He must be related to Dr. Who.

Speaking of Dr. Who, . . . that might be an intriguing costume for Halloween since the moon is in the sign of Aquarius. Aquarians are known for their quirkiness with a little extraterrestrial appeal. Time to put that mask back on as an exercise in duality. Halloween is a time to expose your alter egos. Have fun. If you can’t have fun on that day you can at least go into a sugar coma. Who doesn’t need a Magician in their lives once in a while?

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