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New Year's Musings

by Jane Elsdon

My memory is short these days so I don't make New Year's resolutions anymore. I set my intentions on a daily basis. I'm more likely to see my aims manifest that way. When they do, it's always a pleasure. Kinda wish I'd come to that realization earlier. I'm also easier on myself, so long as I don't get mired in the "shoulds" of life. I find when I'm easier on myself I'm much more likely to be reasonable with those around me. 

So as I mused about the new year I browsed through poems I'd written from years back and I found an intriguing fact or two. Ten years ago reality TV was expanding its hold on its growing audiences. It's fascinating to consider the way that's evolved. The poems I wrote then still hold truth for me today. I hope they will do the same for you.

Winter Trail
Winter Trail
Winter Thaw
Winter Thaw

TV, Reality, and Extremes in 2004

We live at a time when we can’t watch               
without hearing that we need to be fixed,          
or our home needs to be redone.                         
We live at a time when reality dictates               
that we all need a makeover,                              
perhaps even an extreme makeover.                   
We live at a time
when we may not be chosen, and if we are         
we may get voted off the island,                        
we may not survive,                                            
we may not get the rose,                                      
the ring, or the money,                                        
we may not become                                             
the next American Idol.
It’s time,                                                               
surely it must be time                                          
for a little more evolution,                                  
I mean conscious evolution.                                
It must be time                                                     
to look around the planet,                                   
the whole perfect egg,                                         
our spectacular cosmic sphere,                            
and recognize that we are all right
just the way we are.                                            
It must be time
for a bit more – quite a bit more – authentic       
unadulterated, absolutely 100% STD-free



Anything is possible
in this world.
in the ring of a phone,
a knock on the door,
a letter in the mailbox
or an e-mail message,
in a moment, a whisper,
a breath.

Of course it is. We know it.
September eleventh
demonstrated it.
Our personal triumphs,
challenges and tragedies
confirm it.

Yet the seasons spin onward,
spring unfurls its misty
scarves of green,
summer its long torrid days
of satiation,
autumn its calendar
of color and loss,
winter its stark and spindly
naked limbs.

What pain and paradox
we encounter everywhere.
What beauty and joy.
Begin now.
Be present in this moment.

Jane and Gene Elsdon
Jane and Gene Elsdon
Paintings by Gene
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All content copyright Slo Coast Journal and Jane and Gene Elsdon. Do not use without express written permission.
Butterfly Banner Image by David Farris