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Lucille Bosco
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White Hawk Medicine Woman
Dreamcatchers Creative Services
PO Box 1401
Cambria, CA 93428
Each day we awaken with the faith that with daybreak the Sun will shine its light upon the earth as the dawning of a fresh new day with all its possibilities. As your Astro Guide, I will highlight significant planetary shifts that will be occurring during the current month that will prove to be interesting and helpful as you express yourself in the world.

The Crossroads of Evolution 2014 Crossroads

by Lucille M. Bosco

Welcome to the New Year of 2014! Each year I look forward to the first calendar day. I am filled with anticipation and renewal as I lay to rest the events of 2013.

Delightfully, our initiation into the New Year begins with a New Moon on January 1st in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn. The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Pluto as well as the New Moon are all positioned in the 10th house in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn. Saturn is the planetary ruler of Capricorn who also goes by the mythological name of Kronos, Father of Time and Lord of Truth.

January 1st will be an excellent day to crack open that new journal you received during the holidays and fill it with meaningful intentions. Take time to reflect on what you would like to manifest in 2014. Use discernment when putting pen to paper, a more powerful tool to use when recording your thoughts than a cold, technical device. Contemplate the BIG QUESTIONS of your life. How will your intentions affect others in the world? And I do mean The World . . . not just your significant other, family members or friends. Your intentions made during this earthy New Moon will set a firm foundation for the rest of 2014.

The Cardinal Grand Cross continues to affect all of us individually and globally. Humanity has once again arrived at a crossroads in our evolution. Do not be disheartened with the challenging energies of this Cardinal Grand Cross, for it is teaching us about the skill of discernment when choosing your destiny.

The meaning of a Grand Cross differs according to which quality is involved. The planets play a significant role too. This particular Cardinal Grand Cross involves the planet Mars in the cardinal air sign of Libra. The consciousness of the Libran requires us to consider the other party before moving forward.  The planet Uranus in Aries represents the opposing position in the sky. Aries is a cardinal fire sign that just wants us to take action. The planet Uranus does not provide a solid pathway. Rather the energy is urging us to do it in our own unique manner and do it now!

The Cardinal Cross play begins. The planetary players secure their places on the zodiac wheel of life.  Zeus (Jupiter in Cancer) is stationed in the 4th house. He sits firmly near his hearth as he protects his home with his “staff of life” in one hand and a “thunderbolt” in the other. He is here to demonstrate how generosity of the heart and mind taken to a higher octave is compassion. Hades (Pluto in Capricorn) stands firmly in opposition to Jupiter in Cancer on the mid-heaven point between heaven and earth. Each has a mission that contributes to the evolution of humankind. Hades (Pluto in Capricorn) is here to regenerate our livelihood through the act of involution.

Crossing directly through the middle of this galaxy of stars is Mars, son of Zeus. He is being influenced by the equalizing energy of Libra who stands for justice.  There is a physical urge to seek knowledge on how to achieve that inner sense of equilibrium and outer sense of justice. The challenge is felt from the opposition from the ancient god Ouranos (Uranus). The light of his consciousness was said to be too brilliant for the naked eye. The sacred knowledge was buried until now. For it is time for the Light of Truth to come forth. Mother Moon will further illuminate the emotional impact we have experienced from the challenging energies of the Cardinal Grand Cross. This will occur on January 15th when the Full Moon in Cancer gently helps us to recognize that our sense of being in the world is felt when we take action to be Stewards of Mother Earth and for each other.


Something unusual happens during the month of January. We are given a second chance to set our intentions on January 30th. That is the day we will experience a second New Moon.  This particular ingress on January 30th, in the fixed air sign of Aquarius, calls for us to set our intentions using the right side of our brain. The Sun, Mercury, planet of communication and the New Moon will be in Aquarius. Aquarian consciousness has the ability to see the Big Picture (function of right-side of the brain). So, in essence, this particular New Moon invites each individual to set the intention toward raising the vibration toward healing the heart of the world. I cannot emphasize this point enough!  Your thoughts, words and deeds affect all of us!

We have an opportunity to rise from the ashes of our past dreams to see the light of our present reality that is inclusive of the collective consciousness. Our work will begin to exemplify a sense of place (home) (Jupiter in Cancer) and our homes exist where ever we are present. Happy New Year!

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All content copyright Slo Coast Journal and Lucille Bosco. Do not use without express written permission.