Coastland ContemplationsSeptember 2012
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Michele Oksen
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Creating Wealth

by Michele Oksen

Gold Nuggets
Gold Nuggets

Gold - an element, Au, aurum in Latin – "shining dawn." Historically considered a powerful, noble metal, gold is one concept of wealth. As with gold, we must learn the fine art of panning and mining for that which we consider to be valuable. Then, even the indulgence, the luxury of watching a sunrise can make us feel rich.

How do we manifest more wealth in our lives? We become prospectors who are aware of what has precious properties and intrinsic worth. When we dip into the stream of our lives, when we sift through the sediment, we begin to free the fragments and flakes and expose nuggets — golden treasure that has been forgotten, ignored, taken for granted, or hidden from view.

To excavate and explore beneath the surface of ourselves, our relationships, our beliefs, and our very existence is to gain access to the vast deposits and veins of our own unique mines of wealth.

Being prosperous is living strong, flourishing, and evolving. We promote prosperity by awakening to the possibility and perception of wealth as a concept of well-being.

To learn to recognize and reflect the golden characteristics of wealth as something other than the materialistic – the acquiring of possessions – we are presented with opportunity to gain riches of a different kind. A priceless, humble attitude of thankfulness for that which is already available and accessible is to experience happiness and contentment. When we appreciate what we have, we are wealthy beyond measure.

We who live on the gold coast of California, we who read the Slo Coast Journal – let's take pleasure in our good fortune. Let's be brilliant examples of gratitude - the truest definition of being wealthy.

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Response to "Let's Clear Up a Few Things About National Marine Sanctuaries"
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All content copyright Slo Coast Journal and Michele Oksen. Do not use without express written permission.