PH is the balance between acid and alkaline intake of your body. Normal pH is around 7. So what causes an Acid-Alkaline imbalance?
Most of the foods we have grown to like — alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, sugar, carbonated beverages — and all processed and fast foods are acidic. By drinking one eight-ounce glass of a cola with a pH of 2.5, you need to drink twenty eight-ounce glasses of water to neutralize the harmful effects.
A low pH is indicative of inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. An out of balance pH indicates you are not as well as you could be. Your chances of developing chronic diseases are increased.
We consume to much acidic foods, beverages, and pharmaceuticals, eat foods laced with acid, pesticides, and herbicides, clean our homes with acid industrial products, breathe acid fumes from cars and planes, and have contact with petroleum toxins daily.
We need to change our lifestyle if we want to improve our health. Eat more fresh, non pesticide grown fruits and vegetables. Eat at least five servings of each every day. Not impossible, but start with one or two each day and then expand.
The way we breathe can also cause us to be acidic. Short shallow breathes cause acid build-up versus long deep breaths. If you want more information on good breathing exercises to do give me a call.
Also if your nervous system is not properly working your body will not process your food properly. This will cause a pH imbalance. Remember your nervous system controls and coordinates every system of your body. It is important that it works 100% of the time.
For more information on pH or any other health questions you may have, I can be reached at (805) 801-6638 or by email. Thank you your interest in these articles. Dr. Bob