Genie's Pocket
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Roma Café, Berkeley

Sipping my café cortado
I notice a silver-haired man. 
He wears jeans and a Patagonia fleece
and studies his New York Times
as if finding the secrets to life
and I study him, seeking the same:
I find sparkling eyes, strong hands,
and lips needing further exploration.

He's probably a seasoned professor,
a man I would have followed anywhere —

guided by gauchos, we hiked the Andes
to sip yerba mate under the stars while he
held me and whispered ¡Te adoro!

We settled in Santiago, taught
philosophy by day and tangoed by night.
Then we came to Berkeley
and raised our son and daughter:

Mario, an ecologist, returned to Patagonia,
while Ariana became a pediatrician.
And we…

oh no,

he . . . rises, folds his secrets, 
tucks them under his arm
and leaves me behind
sipping my café cortado.


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Jeanie Greensfelder
by Jeanie Greensfelder
Psychologist, poet,
Hospice of SLO volunteer . . . 

Author: Biting The Apple
Available through

Bed Bath & Beyond

 Take Me

Police handcuff a homeless man
outside Bed Bath and Beyond.
Inside the store, a cashier tells me,
"He bawled, Where's the Beyond?
Take me to the Beyond. Take me.
We didn't know what to do."

On leaving, I see him released
and sent on his way.

I tell a friend this story and
she remembers fifty years ago
when she was a young mother
running a red light and
getting pulled over.

Asked for her driver's license,
she said, No! Take me.
and held her wrists for handcuffs,
Take me to jail. 

She looked at her howling toddlers:
Take them. Take me to a cell
with a bed and a pillow.

Mouth open, the policeman stared,
then managed to mumble,
Go get some sleep.
He turned and left.

Site Menu

News, Editorials, and Commentary
Did A State Agency Conspire with So Cal Edison
to Promote Reliance on Nuclear Power?

Morro Bay, Cayucos May Have to Go to Prison to Build WWTP by Jack McCurdy

The Business of the Journal
About Us
Stan's Place
Writers Index

Town Business
Community Events
Morro Bay Library News by Robert Fuller Davis

Slo Coast Arts
Atascadero Writers Group
Frustrated Local Writer by Rose Marie Zurkan
Genie's Pocket by Jeanie Greensfelder
Great Shots edited by Jerry Kirkhart and Steve Corey
Mostly Music by Dawn Starr
Musical Notes by Kathryn Bumpass
One Poet's Perspective by Jane Elsdon
Opera SLO by Kathryn Bumpass
Practicing Poetic Justice by
Deborah Tobola

Shutterbugs featuring Ken Bondy
Slo Coast Cooking by Elise Griffith

Slo Coast Life
A Roe Adventure by Roe Yeager
Ask the Doc by Dr. Robert Swain
Beyond the Badge by Richard Hannibal
Best Friends by Dr. Malcolm Riordan
Double Vision by Shana Ogren Lourey
Feel Better Forever by Brian Dorfman
The Human Condition by John Bullaro
Observations of a Country Squire
by George Zidbeck
One Cool Earth by Greg Ellis
Surfing Out of the Box by Paul Finley

It's Our Nature
A Bird's Eye View by Mike Stiles
California State Parks
California State Parks in the News
Coastland Contemplations by Michele Oksen
Elfin Forest by Jean Wheeler
Marine Sanctuaries by Carol Georgi and Karl Kempton

All content copyright Slo Coast Journal and Jeanie Greensfelder. Do not use without express written permission.