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PPeg Pinard


Disempowering Citizens

by Peg Pinard

Most Americans believe that their government should be primarily based on the will of its citizenry. But something very interesting has gradually happened. In many American cities, and counties, there has been a very quiet shift away from "citizen based government" towards a concept of "stakeholder based government." As one expert explained it, the "stakeholder groups" in any particular city may include the following:

1. The residents or citizens of that city.
2. The owners of business interests in the city who do not live there.
3. The owners of land in the city who do not live there.
4. Those representing the tourists who may visit the city.

With just that one word change, "stakeholder," government changes its relationship to its residents. It is now standard practice in staff reports prepared for city councils to routinely give the input of the "stakeholder interest groups" deemed most relevant. This may or may not include the input of city residents — even those who will live closely with the impacts.

While most of us can agree that residents of a city don’t exist in a vacuum, and that input from various "stakeholder interest groups" are also welcome, the scale has tipped far beyond what most city residents would imagine.

An example of this happened in our long established residential neighborhood. As background, it had been the existing city policy to keep utility boxes low key and unobtrusive. Then the city worked with the "downtown, commercial stakeholders group" to change that policy in the commercial area of downtown. A program of painting utility boxes with art work began. Many of you have probably seen these art projects.

But what didn’t happen was talking with the neighborhood residents when the city's "stakeholder groups" decided to include painting the utility boxes in our residential neighborhood, right in front of our homes.

They never asked the residents, who would have to look at this every day, if they wanted the policy of keeping the boxes unobtrusive changed; and secondly, for input on what would would be painted on individual utilility boxes adjacent to family homes.

As a result, this is what we woke up to one morning. This is what several "stakeholder groups"’ thought would be good for our families and children to see outside our windows. This is what they thought would add to the value of a family's single biggest investment — their home. When I questioned the city staff about the whole issue of not including the residents in this decision, she replied "Well, we had OUR meetings!" City staff was pointing out that the "stakeholders groups" who were deemed most important to this proposed project were the "downtown, commercial stakeholders group" and the "stakeholder group representing art interests." City residents were simply left out.

This also affects a city council’s responsiveness to its residents. Instead of being responsible to the residents who elected them and the ones who will have to live with the consequences, the designation 'stakeholder' puts residents on a par with others who may not even reside in that jurisdiction. Citizens become just one of many players at the proverbial table.

Sadly, this is occurring with increasing frequency in the city of San Luis Obispo for both policy changes and in the review of small and large development projects. It is also happening in other cities and throughout the county.

And how can this be changed? It won't be easy. But, it can be done with the interest and power of one stakeholder group….and that’s YOU and the residents of your community.

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