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John is an Emeritus Professor in Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Studies from California State University, Northridge, and a retired Lecturer from Cal Poly. For thirty-four years he has taught classes in Commercial Recreation, Tourism Planning, Management and Leadership, and Wilderness Survival. He earned his Ph.D. from Claremont Graduate University in Organizational Development and Curriculum Design in Higher Education. 

John also served as Lead Evaluator for the SLO Sheriff's Search & Rescue division. He is a current member of the Atascadero Writer's Club and can be contacted by calling 805-440-9529 or by email.

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Guns, Guns, and Guns

   By John Bullaro

Firearms have captured the American's psyche. The gun debate is bifurcated into two distinct groups. The NRA represents one group that believes their myths about gun ownership. (Discussed below.) The NRA claims that gun ownership is a right enshrined in the second amendment of the constitution, which it is. The second  amendment allows American citizens the right to own a gun, nothing more. It does not say ALL  TYPES OF GUNS.

Gun control advocates are equally vociferous in their rhetoric and call for a limitation on who can own a gun (restrict felons and the mentally incompetent) and calls for background checks for all gun purchases, including at gun shows and private sales..

First a disclaimer. I own several guns — hand guns, long guns, pellet guns, and shot guns. I enjoy target shooting, especially with my grandsons at designated ranges. I don't consider a gun as a way to keep me and my wife safe.

In this piece I will discuss several of the more popular myths gun advocates espouse to honor their guns — read, all guns.

Gun ownership has been part of the American psyche ever since the Constitution was ratified in 1789. We became independent from England because we won the war for independence with an armed militia. Hence the second amendment refers to a militia. The amendment begins with these words, "A well regulated Militia" and goes on to state "The right of people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

Remember, when the founders wrote this amendment the only weapons they had in mind were flint lock rifles. They never imagined citizens owning AR 15s, Glocks, ten bullet magazines, or other assault type weapons. Who knows how the second amendment might read if it was drafted today. Note: congress outlawed machine gun ownership by private citizens around the late 1920s.  

Let's look at what the NRA wants us to believe:

(From Mother Jones Magazine: March-April 2013)

Myth 1 —  Guns don't kill people — people kill people.
        Fact: The states with the highest gun ownership have gun murder rates 145 % higher than those with the lowest rates.
Myth 2 —  More good guys with guns can stop rampaging bad guys.
        Fact: Mass shooting stopped by civilians in the past 30 years = 0.
Myth 3 —  Carrying a gun for self defense makes you safer.
        Fact: A Philadelphia study found that the odds of being an assault victim or being shot were 4-5 timers greater if the victim carried a gun.
Myth 4 —  Keeping a gun at home makes you safer.
        Fact: Every time a gun is used in self defense in the home, there are 7 assaults or murders, 11 suicides, and 4 accidents involving guns in the home.
Myth 5 —  They are coming for your guns.
        Fact: There are roughly 80 million gun owners in America and they out number the feds 79 to 1. No one is coming to take any ones guns.

The Mother Jones magazine discusses the gun issue in factual terms. This magazine lists the above myths, plus six more myths of the NRA.

Eighty million Americas love their guns. In spite our fascination with violence, we as a people care about people and other nations who ask for help. Our free society allows groups like the NRA to tell their bogus story. It doesn't mean we have to buy the myths.

Consider the following headlines from the AOL Sport news listings for June 26, 2013. These stories testify to violence in America. And these athletes are supposed to be our "Best of Show" for our youth:

We as a nation must stand firm against the gun lobby, and claims made by the NRA. This organization is famous for filling the media with fear of a foreign government take-over of our country if we pass a requirements that all gun purchasers must have a background checks, and a ban on assault weapons.

The gun lobby makes up these myths because their supporters want to believe them and to push their strident opposition to any more gun regulations.  

Keep in mind the NRA was initially a gun safety organization that morphed into a gun advocacy tag team armed with falsehoods and distortions. Today no more than 5% of gun owners belong to the NRA. 74% of NRA members support background checks for ALL gun buyers. 45% of gun owners support an assault weapons ban. 30% of gun owners say they have an unfavorable opinion of the NRA.

The NRA created the idea of a slippery slope to defeat any new gun laws. The idea is thus: gun laws put us (the country) on a slippery slope that ultimately leads to gun confiscation. This is nothing but hyperbole spewed out by the NRA leadership who believe their supporters don't want any change in the gun laws. That is more bogus rhetoric.

There you have it — another side to the gun debate. No one will take your guns away if stricter gun laws are passed, but maybe a life or two might be spared.

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