Surfing Out of the BoxApril 2011
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Paul is the owner of Sojourner Surfboards in Morro Bay.
Contact Paul.

Sand, Sand, Sand
Sand, Sand, Sand

Sand, Water and Kids, what a Beautiful Mixture

By Katie Finley

Water Fun

As you might have guessed from some of the photos we have put up on our articles, we have kids and we go to the beach with our kids. Three little girls go with us to be exact. We are living proof that going to  the beach does not have to stop when you have kids.  Yes, it gets a little bit more challenging and takes a bit of planing ahead—especially with little kids—but its completely doable.  

Here is a few things we have learned.

First off, please use sun screen.  I have to put this one first because we lived in Florida and have seen people that have had a bit too much sun over the years.  Buy a good, kid-friendly lotion.  Even on those semi foggy/cloudy days remember to us it.  Be smart.  Maybe even think about getting one of those cheesy umbrellas for the beach.  Even older kids like to sit and relax for a bit under one of these.  If you are like us though and do not bring a lot of things down to the beach, make sure you at least have your sunscreen and maybe some hats for the little ones.  Wetsuits are great  to keep the sun off the kids too. With our cold water around here, a kid's wetsuit is a good purchase. Check out craigslist first and then a local surfshop for one.

Next, don't bring too many toys for the kids.  I have learned over the past few years that usually my kids have the most fun at the beach just running around in ankle deep water, not sitting on the sand with a dozen toys, playing something they could have played at home.  A bucket and shovel are fun, and if you want to bring toys, maybe make sure your kids are the ones dragging everything down to the beach. Then they will think about what they are bringing down since they are the ones carrying everything.  Buckets can be used for many things—like collecting shells and making sand castles.  Shovels can be used for digging up fun treasure and making a whole big enough for your toddler to sit in.

Another thing I have learned over the past couple of years is that the beach has sand! So yes, your kids are going to get dirty. And from what we have seen, the dirtier they are when they are done, the more fun they had at the beach!  Thats what hoses and bathtubs are for. The sand around here is really fun to play in. Sand dunes are the best to slide down, roll down, fall down . . . you name it!  And if you don't want to have wet kids after the beach, the sand is a good distraction.  (Watch out for those crazy snowy plovers though - give them their space.)  Plus, if you are like our family, when dad's surfing and the kids are still too young to be trusted by water, then sand and the sand hills are the best place to play.  You can see your hubby pull a big air, but also watch your kids playing in the sand.

Finally, since it is the beach and it has sand, it also has water.  This can be very scary at first.   I am blessed with two girls who play really well together and help watch each other.  But at the same time, I am always watching them when they are by the ocean.  They enjoy running back and forth when the tide comes and goes, and splashing each other, but they know the dangers of going too far into the water.  They cannot swim well yet (both are under the age of 6). If this is something thats hard for you to deal with, put your kid in a life-jacket and let them get their feet wet.    

Teach your children the dangers of the ocean, but make sure you balance it out with the joys.   If you are like most people around here, you really enjoy it the ocean.  So teach your children to enjoy it at a young age by letting them get in it a little bit.  Teach them water safety.  There are some great kid-friendly beaches around here that even have small creeks kids can play in for hours.  The water will barely go up to their knees in the deep part.  These little creeks are great to play in with a boogy board and a wet suit! Also the bay is a fun place for kids and so is south side of the Rock. Both of these have small beaches with small or no waves in them.

Hmmm . . . I wonder what this tastes like.

As a family, we have found ways to make going to the beach a priority.  Most people in the world do not have tha privilege of living on such a beautiful coast.  Get out there, enjoy it, and bring the kids!  

All images by Katie Finley of Dunes Street Photography
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