Thank you, Morro Bay, for the fantastic support of your Morro Bay Library in May! It was wonderful to be with so many Library supporters enjoying fine wines—and an even finer bay view—at the Morro Bay Wine Seller fundraiser. Our May Book Sale was a whopping success and the first in our new location—the Morro Bay Community Center. Thanks, shoppers, for following the Friends across the street to buy your books. Loads of appreciation to our dedicated Book Sale volunteers. Welcome to all our new members of the Friends of the Library. Here's what's happening in June at your Morro Bay Library! School's Out! Library Children's Summer Programs begin this month!TuesdaysJune 21, 10 a.m. — Noon, Senator Sam Blakeslee holds Open Office Hours. No appointment is necessary to meet with our State Senator. Come on In. WednesdaysThe Morro Bay Book Discussion Group meets at the Morro Bay Library on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. – noon in the John Kim Room.
June 1, 10 a.m.-Noon — Freedom by Jonathan Franzen Pages 1-289. Join us for an epic Book Event in which we read and discuss over a two-week period a wrenching, funny, and forgiving portrait of a Midwestern family. June 8, 10 a.m.- Noon — Freedom by Jonathan Franzen - Pages 290 - End. We finish our discussion of Freedom. June 15, 10 a.m. - Noon — Thrive: Finding Happiness the Blue Zones Way by Dan Buettner. What makes us authentically happy? Let's explore and find out why our own San Luis Obispo is one of those blue zone areas. June 22 — No Book Discussion This Week June 29, 10 a.m. - Noon Meet Local Authors Barbara M. Hodges, Maggie Pucillo, and Randolph Tower as they discuss Collaborative Writing: Great Idea or Big Mistake? Join these authors as these discuss what you should know before you write your first words. Even if you have no intention of writing your own book, hear it from an author's perspective, what it is like to collaborate on books together. ThursdaysJune 2, 4-5 p.m. — Supervisor Bruce Gibson - Open Office Hours with the Community (Supervisor Gibson meets on the first Thursday of the month at the Morro Bay Library.) No appointment is necessary to meet with Supervisor Gibson. Come on in.
FridaysJune 3, 10 a.m. — Noon Meet Mystery Author, Earlene Fowler
June 24, 10 to Noon—4th — Fridays Mystery Readers Group where we will discuss, Mariner's Compass by Earlene Fowler at the Library. SaturdaysJune 4, Noon - 1 p.m. — Cultural Exchange Group. (Also meets June 11, 18 & 25) Saturday, June 11, 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. — E-book Program with Assistant Library Director, Margaret Esther
Books (for the Wednesdays program only) are available for checkout in advance at the Morro Bay Library. The Summer Series Booklist, 4th Fridays Mystery Readers 2011 Booklist and Local Authors Series Flyers are available for download at Morro Bay Book Discussion Group or at the library. For more information, contact Group Facilitator Karen Robert or call 225-3131. The Morro Bay Friends of the Library fund all expenses of the library programs listed above. The MBFOL's purpose is to establish and maintain an association of persons interested in libraries; to focus public attention on Morro Bay Library branch needs; to support and cooperate with the county, city and state to enhance library services and facilities; and to stimulate gifts, endowments and bequests. For more information, please contact Christine Johnson, President by email or go to Morrobay Friends of the Library. See you at the Library!Pipevine Swallowtail image on banner by Jerry Kirkhart