Happiness Lives Here
By Shana Ogren
I want happiness. My horrible sense of direction is not helping. Mapquest.com contains no 'happiness' locations. I don't know if happiness resides in a place or a person or a situation.
What makes you happy? I took a day where I asked everybody this question. I asked the cashier at the grocery store, my cousin, and a woman waiting at a pharmacy. I asked my parents. I asked the Charter Communications representative I called about my cable television.
Everyone answered this question the same. It was always about love.
"My boyfriend"
"Spending time with my family"
"Talking to my kids"
"Cooking dinner with my wife"
"A text message from my daughter"
Happiness came from time and connection to family members, romantic partners, and friends. One of the things that makes me happiest is a conversation with my 91-year-old grandma, Paula. She always teaches me something.
When you ask someone, "What makes you happy?," look at their face. Considering such a positive thought brings a gentle and sweet light to their face. The memories and images that run through their mind are the best ones. They appear to become happier just by thinking about happiness.
Yet how often do we spend time thinking unhappy thoughts? There are so many sad things in life that they can easily fill our heads and hearts. They can overcome us. They can hide our happiness.
We see twice. We can see the bad and the unhappy for breakfast, and the good and happy for lunch. We have human double vision, that awesome ability to see black and white, complexity and gray, yes, no, AND maybe. We are blessed to see so much, and blessed to have the ability to focus.
If happiness is what you want, then focus on it. Don't let it hide or be hidden. Happiness does live here - inside of us. No mapquest.com required.
Ask 3 people today - What makes you happy? Ask yourself - what makes me happy? You may bring happiness to yourself or others just by asking.
Ball Python image on banner by Richard Chambers