Welcome to the eighth edition of the Slo Coast Journal. Published online monthly, the Journal is here to bring you information specific to our part of the Central Coast. So jump in! Browse, read, smile. Then come back next month for more. Want a reminder? Check below for information on how to receive an email or tweet letting you know about updates and the newest issue.
Census Time - Federal Funds At Risk, Some Money Available
Return to current home page.Retrospective: Lessons from the Morro Bay Power Plant SagaThe primary lesson from this experience with the power plant - which is still going on, with decisions still to be made about its future that are crucially important to the well-being and livability of Morro Bay - is that agencies of government can be less than honest, despite what many tend to believe. Citizens can't blindly trust their elected or appointed representatives to protect them from harm. They must take it upon themselves to become informed about anything affecting their communities and act as necessary to make certain that they protect themselves. Read More Cambria Desal Wells Derailedby Jack McCurdyOnce again in the issue's nearly 15-year history in Cambria, desalination of seawater for human consumption moved back to the active agenda last month but immediately ran into formidable roadblocks when the California Coastal Commission balked at allowing test wells to be drilled without a full environmental review and a group of astute residents raised a wide range of objections, the most serious being failure to take into account documented highly-toxic mercury in sediment from which drinking water would be pumped by a desal plant. Read More
See also: From PWC - Pelicans Starving After StormSlo Coast Journal February Video Pick
The Business of Our Towns
It's Our Nature
Slo Coast Life |
Slo Coast Arts