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Photography - A Creative Passion

Featuring Sylvia Sanchez


Photography, to me, is a passion, a second job, an excuse to go outside, an opportunity to meet others, and a wonderful way to feed my need for creativity. I am constantly seeing the beauty that's all around us. A romantic at heart, photography helps fuel this passion.

As a physician's assistant, I count myself very lucky. I love my day job, which involves caring for women in an OB/GYN office.My weekends are mine for play, and there is never a dull moment living in SLO County.

My photography and language skills have come a long way since the summer of 2009, when I moved to Morro Bay and decided to advance these interests. As much as I enjoyed taking pictures prior to my move, I really didn't get into the art of it until then. Living in Morro Bay is like being on vacation every day.

I can take my love of taking pictures with me anywhere. I can sit in my front yard and take photos of my succulents or the birds perched on the agave. I can travel to Yosemite or Thailand and my camera goes with me. Or I can just take a walk to the beach or around my neighborhood with my camera and binoculars in hand. When I travel, I plan my days around places I want to photograph and this usually means waking up early. Since I love the outdoors, I find myself visiting places where I can hike or maybe take an elephant ride. Exotic places are a real pull for me.


Capturing photos of wildlife is one of my favorite ways to be creative. Having watched National Geographic as a child, I find observing wildlife in person thrilling. Living in California provides me with some wonderful up-close opportunities, including going every year to see the elephant seals in San Simeon. The month of January is especially exciting there, as the females are giving birth and the males are fighting to keep their harem. It's like sitting ring-side at a Roman coliseum. Another favorite spot is Merced wildlife refuge. Snow Geese and Sandhill Cranes winter in the thousands there. Hearing them as well as watching them fill the skies is amazing.


I can't help but be captivated by the many varieties of birds that live and migrate through SLO County. I can sit in my home, look out into the garden, and be mesmerized with the small birds that come and go throughout the day. I can also take a short drive and seek out birds of prey, waterfowl, or shorebirds. It's a challenge catching them in action, but that's what keeps it fun. It is so satisfying to get that great shot.


Do I always come home with a winner? No. That's not what drives me. It's more about the trying and the exploring, the friendships and the memories.


There is so much more to photography today than just taking pictures. It's fun to experiment, altering images and creating composites — the norm today. This takes time and skill (my time is limited and my skills are still being crafted) but this helps keep photography fresh.

So, where is all this taking me? I'm not sure, but I do know that I take my love of photography everywhere I go. And even if the captured image is just a mental photo, taken when no camera is at hand, it is exhilarating.


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In "Shutterbugs," some of our best local photographers share their passion for capturing beautiful and fascinating images. You will find more of their work on various photo sites, including Flickr, and in our own Great Shots section.

Previous Shutterbugs include Donald Quintana, Beth Sargent, Don Henderson, Jerry Kirkhart, Steve Corey, Linda McDonald, Catherine Ryan Hyde, Ronnie Goyette, Dorothy Cutter, Aiden Briggs, Devra Cooper, Ashala Tylor, Marlin Harms, Howard Ignatius, Elizabeth Haslam, Mike Baird, and Linda Tanner
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