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Today was a Good Day

by Shana Ogren Lourey

What is the point of each day?  Are there professional and personal goals to accomplish?  Perhaps you keep weekly physical, economical, or spiritual goals.  Do you complete them?  How do you feel once you do?

I keep many goals.  But the finest time of the day is when I find a chance to do something nice.

The light at the end of my daily tunnel is you.  Who are you?  You are mom and fifth grade teacher, another driver and a random passerby on the sidewalk.  If I can at least satisfy YOU, somehow, in a small and helpful way, then I can be pleased with my day and what has been accomplished.

The best thing I did today was for you.

To Do:

  1. Pay for the next driver in a toll booth.
  2. Write a thank you letter to a high school guidance counselor or teacher who once helped you.
  3. Plant something for someone in their yard (a fruit tree is always nice).
  4. Apologize, even though you know you are right.
  5. Pick up trash on the side of the road and throw it away.
  6. Text a compliment to a family member.
  7. When the clock has a numeric pattern to it such as 5:55 or 12:34, make a wish of happiness for someone you love.
  8. Help someone whose car is broken down.
  9. Make a music mix tape/CD for a sibling or pal.
  10.  Be polite to other drivers by gesturing with a thank-you wave when they allow you to merge in front of them.
  11.  Praise your neighbor.
  12.  Hold the door open for someone at the grocery store or bank entrance.
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