Letters to the EditorNovember 2011
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Dear Editor,

From: Roger Ewing
Morro Bay

Cronyism is alive and thriving in Morro Bay as witnessed by its planning commission's recent approval of the necessary permits for a residential project atop Cerritos Peak (Eagle Rock), to the benefit of a single realtor/developer, a local "good ol boy," who has owned the property for some time and had previously failed to receive the green light to build to his specifications.

Having watched the meeting on TV, it appeared to this viewer that the commission, with a strong "property rights" majority, bent over backwards to grant all that was asked for within his property and then some. It mattered not that what he was asking for was a gift of public lands so as to have access and security for his property, the right to destroy 34 public and private trees, the disruption of land sacred to the Chumash and Salinan tribes, diminished access of an ecological wonder to tourist and citizen alike, and the right to manipulate a very loose interpretation of our zoning laws and ordinances. And all this without any tangible benefit to the community.

Where is the fairness in this? Why is he allowed the right to thwart our zoning laws when, by the dictates of these laws, no other citizen is afforded that same right? It helps to have Bill Yates as our Mayor and Rick Grantham as the Chair of our Planning Commission. At the conclusion of the above mentioned hearing, it was Rick Grantham who proudly implied that the applicant can go forward and reap the profits from the sale of this property now much more valuable with these permits. This after we were led to believe that all the developerever wanted to do was build his dream home.

This November, four appeals opposing this project will be heard by the City Council, a city council that has no vision for Morro Bay, a city council that goes out of its way to protect the needs of a select few, and a city council that so far listens only to the voices in agreement. If this travesty upsets you, then I urge you, please, to attend the appeals hearing and voice your concerns.

(See the Save Cerrito Peak Facebook page.)

Morro Rock Morning
Photo by Judy Sullivan:
Morro Rock Morning

Linda Tanner
Photo by Linda Tanner:
Los Osos Barn

Photo by Dave Johnson:
Quiet Day at the MB Harbor

From: Natalie Wilson
Los Osos

The Great Shots section is fabulous. Every month at least one of the images ends up serving as a desktop image on my computer but why are they always from the same contributors. The Flickr site where people submit their photographs has lots of contributors with lots of great choices, but there are never any but the same 20 or so photographers used. Is there a secret to getting to be part of the elite group that gets noticed? Or maybe there should be another section called Great Shots From Outside Our Inner Circle. Just saying . . .

From: Molly Sullivan

We're loving the Journal. Are there any plans to expand your coverage beyond the coast cities. Can others contribute pictures, stories, or maybe a crossword puzzle? We used to pick up the local print paper there in Morro Bay (sorry, I can't remember the name), but you kick butt with your topics and news. The bird columnist, Mike, even has us figuring out the names of the birds that are around us. Oh, and the cooking column lady is great. Hope she is a regular.

[ From the Editor: Thanks for your kind words, Molly. We're always appreciative of positive feedback from our readers. Mike Stiles certainly is a great source for learning all about our feathered friends and Elise Griffith might even inspire me to start cooking again. Her crock pot chicken and dumplings recipe this month sure is tempting.
If you - or anyone else - has an idea for a new feature, we're always happy to consider it. And, yes, we are opening up to covering areas further inland.
The Bay News is the name of the local Morro Bay newspaper. They are also a fine source and, being weekly, cover a lot of topics we don't. The more information sources a community has, the better. ]

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News, Editorials, & Commentary
Cronyism Thriving in Morro Bay Politics
Dynegy Sues, Seeks to Use Estuary Water Indefinitely for MB Power Plant
Peace Walk Connects Japanese Buddhists, Native Americans, and No-Nukes Activists
Perspective on Wireless without Choice — Human Health Rights Declaration
Plan to mansionize Cerrito Peak Opposed by Residents
Solar Bill Could Hasten End to Diablo Canyon
Surprise WWTP Water Survey Raises Hackles

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Cooper's Hawk image on banner by Cleve Nash.
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