WildheartJuly 2010
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Al Azar (Random)

Orange on the horizon
rising red… que suave!
the howlers call
skin prickles in recognition
the wildness is here
In random, pure actions

 Flying from tree to tree
Magpie jays swoop
begging a sweet morsel
or just maybe
hoping to elicit a response
from this random visitor

 Volcanic formations
the ribs of a land
so lush and rare
as to call upon
a sleepy body
to random pleasures

 Bananas placed
here and there
mamitas, laden
babies closely guarded
scramble randomly
searching for sweet flesh

 Sounds of a perfect
tubular, crashing wall
reach my ears
reminders of la fuerza
water spirits dominance
over random visitors

  Audacious wilderness
reaches the edges
a gaudy construct
a pueblito for these
random, puny, primates
given to worldly pleasures

 Strains of melodies
espanol in rich tones
a language of the heart
randomly float between
soothed cerebral synapses
  through bodily landscapes

 Pleasant conversation
playa grande’s secrets
random interests shared
smiling faces remembering
turtle crawls and predators
marvels of antiquity

 Are these but sweet
azar...random offerings
of a world fragmented
without design
spinning indifferently, impersonally
towards oblivions end?

 Creo que no!


Mandy at Joshua Tree
Mandy at Joshua Tree

Mandy Davis is a born and raised Central California kid that "ain’t so young any more" (young at heart counts though).

Having recently returned to her home here on the SLO Coast after years of activism with Sea Shepherd, and a brief but necessary residence in Florida, she is returning to her roots and work as an environmental educator and a naturalist and guide. The beauty and diversity of the Morro Bay ecosystem is unparalleled as a teaching location and a source of inspiration for her creative endeavors.

An honoring of the earth and sharing the "Language of the Earth" is ultimately her focus and intention. These literary offerings are a manifestation of her dreams, visions, experiences and meanderings They are part of a lifetime of being a wild-heart.


Red-tailed Hawk image on banner by Cleve Nash
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--June 2010 Election Results
--Morro Bay's Adopted Budget
--A Tale of Two Cities' Wastewater Treatment Plant Projects
--Delay for Coastal Commission Plan Review
--Removal of Morro Bay / Dynegy Oil Tanks
--Downtown Enhancement Project Exploration Approved
--PERC'S New Technology to be Considered
--Movement on the Los Osos Sewer Project
--Otter Killed by Gunshot Near North Morro Bay

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