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Dr. Swain

Robert (Bob) Swain is a Doctor
of Chiropractic and Wellness Coach in Morro Bay and welcomes any questions about your health.  He also does
house calls. 

If you would like any particular topic covered in the future, just send an email or call me. 

Want more information? Email or phone 805 801-6638

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Some General Concerns

by Dr. Robert Swain

We made it through Thanksgiving and Black Friday.  Now we have Christmas and New Years to look forward to.  All those parties.  What is a person supposed to do? 

I look at it this way.  Be good 80% of the time and have fun and splurge 20% of the time.  What I mean is go out and enjoy the parties and the holidays.  Don’t snub your hostess by not eating what they tediously prepared.   Be good at home but then enjoy the parties.

I want to lose weight and do cardio but I don't have the time.

This is a big problem that can be fixed.  In today's society everything is rushed.  Time is of the essence.   First you have to decide what is more important, cardio or losing weight and gaining muscle. 

First though I would like to talk about the holidays a little.  We tend to go a little overboard with office parties to celebratory feast.  I am going to give you eight ways to stay committed to staying healthy without depriving yourself.

First, you are what you eat.  Maybe eat a little healthy meal before you go to a big holiday dinner.  If you bring a dish, make it healthy.

Second, watch your portions.  As a host, use smaller plates and, as a guest, take smaller portions. 

Third, remember less is more.  What this means is the more you eat, the less you really enjoy it.  Remember to savor every bite and you don't have to go back for seconds, thirds, or fourths.

Fourth, remember that instead of sitting at the holiday table full of food and talking, move to the living room to catch up on everyone's life events.

Fifth, use "leftover logic."  Leftover logic goes like this.  Only take leftovers to feed your family for a couple of days.  They are usually high in fats and carbs.

Sixth, don't make more food then the number of people you have can eat with a small amount of leftovers for them to take or for you the next day.

Seventh, cheat.  If you constantly resist all those goodies, you eventually break down and indulge. Eat the pie, but small a portion.  Remember, being healthy is accomplished over time not just at one meal.

Finally, eighth is walk it off.  After devouring your holiday feast, take a short walk.  Don't let exercise get put on the back burner.  GET BACK IN SHAPE should be number one on your holiday list. 

That brings us to the original question.  Remember it?  You CAN lift weights and do cardio at the same time.  It is called circuit training.  Here is how it works.

You perform four or five different exercises back to back with little or no rest.  Each exercise should be performed for 30 seconds to one minute as fast as you can. Research has shown you burn more calories and improve your cardio this way than with long runs or workouts with weights.  You can cut your workout time and get more benefits by doing circuit training.   Do these exercises in a circuit.  Do the first exercises then rest for one minute then pick another group of four - five exercises and repeat as above.  Then pick another group and repeat.  You can get a very thorough exercise program in less than 30 minutes with better results. Of course, don't do all arms or legs—mix it up.


So with that in mind enjoy the holidays and have a Happy New Year.  Any suggestions on what you would like to read about are welcome.  Email me at or call 805 801 6638.  Thank you and have a save and healthy holiday season…Dr. Bob   


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