Double VisionSeptember 2010
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The Selfish Volunteer

By Shana Ogren

I volunteer to please myself.  Don't get me wrong—I like helping people.  But that's not why I volunteer.  The knowledge that I can help somebody does not motivate me.

I volunteer so I can help myself.  I am a selfish volunteer.  When I'm helping other people, I'm actually using them. 

Look up "volunteer" in the Microsoft Word Thesaurus.  It lists "unpaid helper," "unpaid assistant," and "helper."  Volunteerism is like the job that doesn't pay, and often it's a very hard job.  So why do it?

Working for free doesn't pay your bills, but it brings you a different and rare treat.  When you volunteer, you learn something about yourself.

You learn how small you are in the context of the world.  Your heart, and body, and head, and life had felt and been your everything.  It's overwhelming, especially when things are hard.  When you volunteer, you escape yourself.  It's a much needed "break from me." Your focus moves to something or someone else. 

Learning about and focusing on others (especially others that are in need of some kind of help) can give you a strong sense of gratitude.  You learn of your luck and blessings.  You feel a little lucky and blessed just to have this rare opportunity to connect with a stranger in a significant way.

To volunteer with someone brings you the gift of a free friend.  We feel less alone and more connected to others when we are volunteering.  To learn that we are connected to other human beings can give us some peace and larger perspective on life.

Perhaps I most love to learn that I am needed.  If I can help someone, then I am a necessity.   Feeling needed is great. 

Listed below are some ideas on how to find a volunteer opportunity in your area.

Help Yourself:

  • On the internet go to and click on 'volunteer.'  Some places/organizations list needs here.
  • Look through the local newspaper, like the San Luis Obispo Times.  In the Events Calendar section on page 50, there are many areas that can help to give you a clue on local needs.
  • Keep your eye open for signs.  I've seen posters on the ceilings of the bus that have led me towards city council.  Look around you.
  • Go to community events or activities, like a 'Women's Day' in the plaza, or a skateboarding competition in the park.  Many local organizations and non-profits can be found at these events.  Introduce yourself and let them know you are available to help.
  • Take the courage to just approach, call, or e-mail a place that does activities or runs a show that matches your personal interests and style (for example- YMCA, French Hospital, Nipomo Elementary School).
  •  Make-it-up-Yourself volunteerism.  Clean up your house and donate unneeded goods to a local thrift shop (like Salvation Army or Goodwill) or homeless shelter.  Put all your collected pennies in a zip lock bag with a good fortune from a fortune cookie, and then leave this bag on the bench of any bus stop.  Do your mother's dishes.

Ball Python image on banner by Richard Chambers
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