Beyond the BadgeIssue #8
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Richard Hannibal
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by Richard Hannibal

How far they had come! An armed robbery in progress, foot chase, an attempted murder, and other sundry incidents would have sent the average "blue suit" into satisfied bliss. But to the two Violent Crimes Task Force officers in unit King-1, "Oh hum." How far they had come! Like an addict, they needed more for their daily adrenaline fix. They sought increased risk and challenge each day to get their 'high,' which not that long ago required much less.

Now, a moment of peace as steaming cups of coffee warmed their hands and sweet rolls fortified them for the next anticipated challenge. Two souls sharing dreams and hopes and, sometimes expressing the doubts and deep secrets only long periods of trusting, brotherly love allows to surface. There they sat, talking softly in the darkened gas station with the constant chatter of the police radio sending 'order' to and fro in this upside down world.

The quiet sharing is disrupted by the monotone radio voice suddenly having meaning; a radio call for 4-Boy-3. "Repeat call . . . domestic violence."

The officers of King-1 wonder, does it have potential for another fix? Will it take them to the limit or do they return to the intimate talk and steaming cups? Indecision is eliminated by an excited voice.

"4-Boy-3 on scene; roll us a backup!"

"King-1 is responding!" The engine comes to life and King-1 is rolling for another fix.

"4-Boy-3, 415, 594 in progress inside the house, where's our backup."

This brings the vision of violent upheaval of furniture, broken windows, and potential hazard to life. King-1 changes from a silent glide through traffic to the activation of emergency lights and siren as the engine and brakes feel the strain.

"King-1, on scene!"

The officers of 4-Boy-3 are with a bleeding woman in the street while the officers of King-1 take the house. The front door suddenly flies open. A beam of light illuminates the interior, showing utter chaos. Seconds pass and then a dark figure rushes out the door.

"He's at the door . . . he's coming out!"

A beam from a spotlight sends a thousand reflections off the knife blades clenched tightly in each hand.

"He's got knives, he's got knives!"

There is a familiar rush of anticipation and the officers of King-1 are filled with the thrill of another challenge. Deep down they know it will not take them all the way to the limit. It will end far short of this point . . . it always does. And yet, their training braces them for the unexpected. Confidence flows and they are ready.

A deranged man with hatred on his face and death in his hands suddenly charges the officers of King-1 who take a familiar, confident stand and with the 'power invested in them' order a halt to this perilous charge of insanity.

And still it comes! Confidence fades with every rushing step taken by the crazed man. The two men of King-1 are now more than officers, they are now 'brothers.' Even though the brothers crave being taken to the limit, as the realization comes that the limit is near, they retreat. It is no longer a game; it is no longer an adult toy! It is real! The danger, more than either has experienced in a long time is rapidly closing the distance. The cold, steel reflections coming from the upraised arms intensify; senses and reflexes quicken. The brothers separate.

The nearest brother realizes his delicate position and continues his retreat, but is quickly overtaken by the rushing rage. The other brother reacts as familiar grips are grasped and cold steel slides smoothly across black leather.

"Hold it, hold it!" Why doesn't he stop . . . these words have worked in the past. Oh please stop! Be careful, Brother!

The pointed steel is raised and suddenly thrust forward. The brother is off balance as his arm awkwardly attempts to ward off the blades of the madman. The steaming cups and intimate conversation are centuries away as primitive instincts for survival take over.

Oh God, what if I lose him, I love him! How did we get here . . . his wife . . . his kids . . . he could be me.

Panic and racing thoughts do not deter the trained thumb as it swiftly releases the safety on the Colt 45 automatic.


Flame erupts in the night air as the brothers are taken to the limit.

Eternity passes . . . did he miss?

"Oh God, there is only one chance . . . Oh God make it good."

The madman becomes a statue, frozen in time. All movement stops as one brother is posed on one knee, arm upraised. The madman's look of rage changes to one of surprise. Smoke is suspended in the two fisted stance from whence the flame erupted.

Nothing moves . . .  The whole world stops.

The madman falls as red fluid spurts from his chest. The motion picture begins to run again. A flurry of movement now, almost too much for the senses, as assistance arrives. Sirens scream and red and blue lights send out a strobe-like effect on the surrounding trees and houses. A crowd gathers, as they always do. Radios blare, engines roar, orders are shouted.

And, in the midst of it all, the brothers gaze at each other; a knowing look, as their eyes make contact. A thousand words are said, which only they perceive. They are in a realm temporarily removed from reality. A realm that is reached only by two souls sharing the limit and returning again . . .


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