Growing up you were most likely told that drinking milk would build strong bones and healthy teeth. There was an invisibly powerful message ingrained in our heads that the calcium in dairy products is the link that provides this desirable, strong-boned body that we as Americans hold in high regard. I wish to ask a few questions in hopes to stir a little curiosity if one has never explored the actual health benefits of dairy products. Is it odd or irrational to fear an industry so powerful that it reaches deep into our schools, hospitals, shopping centers, and homes (example: ads on Pandora’s website and in popular magazines)? With a seemingly unstoppable force, they have the ability to blast us in our youth with a multimillion dollar advertisement budget promoting their supposed health benefits and quality of their products. No one, especially on the Central Coast, would have to look too far to find someone directly connected with the dairy industry and/or reliant on the profits and economic well-being of the dairy production and sales process. Is the snowball so massive that it truly is unable to be stopped? What if we question the industry and find that it has been duping the public by falsely promoting its products as an aid to the health of the community? Would the ugly face be buried in Dorian Grey fashion? What if it already has been exposed, but in response has taken a proactive approach by taking hostage the educational system from elementary students all the way through to future medical students in college? Taking hostage also, unloading its products on government programs like WIC and hospital programs aiding pregnant and nursing mothers? Millions of dollars are exhausted each year to promote their product and at the same time twist true medical research that exposes the fallacies of their ad campaigns. If all of this seems like empty conspiracy theory, a few questions might be useful to consider.
If you are interested in looking at these questions, a good place to start is by picking up The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, PhD and Thomas M Campbell II, MD and Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD.