Letters to the EditorOctober 2010
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Dear Editor,

From: Andrew Christie, Director
Santa Lucia Chapter of the Sierra Club

Kudos on your endorsement of Hilda Zacarias for State Assembly. Just one correction: Jack McCurdy wrote that, on the basis of the California Coastal Commission Conservation Voting Chart—compiled annually by the Sierra Club, Surfrider Foundation, League for Coastal Protection, Coastal Protection Network, Coastwalk California and the Coastkeeper Alliance— Coastal Commissioner Katcho Achadjian, Zacarias' opponent, "has compiled the next-to-worst voting record. In votes on conservation measures, his record in 2008 was the lowest (25%) among Commissioners who held elected office."

Achadjian, in fact, holds the title for the WORST voting record among all Commissioners: 11% pro-conservation votes, which he achieved in 2007. His terrible record and second-to-last finish the following year was actually a step up.

From: Leslie M. Krinsk
Arroyo Grande

I was dismayed and digusted to see Mr. Yates running for Mayor. I am not a resident of Morro Bay and not politically important or influential, but I did work with him for 3 years on the multi-stakeholder Marine Interest Group and do have several observations.

First, Bill is all about—well, Bill. What is so special about a loud-mouthed, self-touting, crass, good-old-boy whose claim to fame is wearing smelly Hawaiian shirts over a pot belly? Never offering constructive or helpful ideas, Bill's contribution to the MIG was loudly proclaiming his right to make incendiary and negative remarks against ocean protection despite the group's policy to maintain civility and objectivity. He apparently joined the group for jocose self-promotion, not for constructive debate.

Second, Bill's idea of "truth" and "integrity" are as squishy and amorphous as jellyfish, and "public service" means cronyism and empty theatrics, not constructive cooperation to reach common goals.

Third, in my opinion Mr. Yates is crude, sexist, insensitive, bombastic, and unclean. Who wants that for Mayor?—I'd rather have an empty Hawaiian shirt than a shape-shifting wannabe sell-out like Bill Yates!

(My views are solely personal and do not represent those of the MIG, its members, or my employer).

Sincerely, Leslie Krinsk


Night Painting
Photo by Marlin Harms:
Night Painting

Morro Rock Morning
Photo by Judy Sullivan:
Morro Rock Morning

Linda Tanner
Photo by Linda Tanner: Los Osos Barn

Photo by Dave Johnson:
Quiet Day at the Harbor

Photo by Marlin Harms:  
Marina Sunrise with Heron

Linda Tanner
Photo by Linda Tanner: Morro Bay Stacks


Continue to Letters to the Editor,
Page 2


From: Colby Crotzer
Morro Bay

  Betty Winholtz has proven that she is to be trusted, but her opponent for Mayor of Morro Bay, Bill Yates, has not. Betty has consistently advocated over the last eight years for the people of our city, both residents and proprietors of businesses alike. The last time Yates ran for office he was rejected by the voters because of his poor performance as a representative of the people who live and work here. His arrogant disrespect for the majority of those who live here—who expect their local government to listen to their concerns and to provide services to them—was made very clear.  He was only interested in providing service to his favored special interests instead of to the general community and he showed no concern for the majority of our residents.

Yates' way of ruling did not cause the city to flourish, but has been the cause of much of its decline.

I was a member of the City Council under Yates and suffered directly from his unprincipled usurpation of power as mayor. He attacked his opponents ruthlessly—whether fellow city council members or city employees who attempted to simply obey legal requirements of due process. For example, those required by the Coastal Act.

Yates acted like a dictator. He even unfairly attacked one of our past County Supervisors, causing strife as far away as Sacramento, just to gain control of the funding of a local bridge project. This has caused people to distrust their own government.

For Yates, power for himself, no matter who stands in the way—even the citizens who pay the bills with their taxes—is the goal, not the welfare of the people. 

Betty Winholtz works for our entire community and is the best choice to help our city move through these troubled times. She is not contentious, she listens to everyone, she is respectful of all our residents, and is the best candidate for Mayor.  She has earned my vote and I hope she gets yours as well.  

From: David Kirk
Morro Bay

Say it isn't so!! My wife and I depend on "As Seen From My Couch" for the only thoughtful reporting of what is going on in the City Council meetings. The Bay News is either asleep at the wheel or just plain bought out in their namby-pamby "coverage." The Tribune - now there's a joke! Bring back "the Couch!"

Ignatius Dredge by Moonlight

Photo by Howard Ignatius:
Dredging Operations by Moonlight #2

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Write to Editor@slocoastjournal.com

Cooper's Hawk image on banner by Cleve Nash.
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