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Lucille Bosco
Write to Lucille
White Hawk Medicine Woman
Dreamcatchers Creative Services
PO Box 1401
Cambria, CA 93428

Each day we awaken with the faith that with daybreak the Sun will shine its light upon the earth as the dawning of a fresh new day with all its possibilities. As your Astro Guide, I will highlight significant planetary shifts that will be occurring during the current month that will prove to be interesting and helpful as you express yourself in the world.

El Sol & La Luna genero Anima Mundi!

by Lucille M. Bosco, M.A.
White Hawk Medicine Woman


As I gaze into the celestial future, the planets in the Northern Hemisphere of our world are generating heat into the atmosphere — literally and figuratively! Summertime is definitely here and with that comes rising temperatures, arid land and lots of activity. People are enjoying the sizzling solar rays emanating from the ancient planet known as "Sol".

During the first three weeks of July, the nurturing water of Cancer will warm the rays of our Sol, providing an environment that will cultivate an unconscious conditioning for the collective (family and friends) to gather together. All we need to do is germinate the seed of our inner selves, the "u" of you into Sol. From our gift, "Sol" grows to Soul as enlightenment increases the light toward the collective World Soul.

For those of us who felt the wand of the Trickster, we are eternally grateful for the dawn of July 1st when the planet Mercury — otherwise known as Hermes, the Trickster — changes direction toward a forward movement. Here are a few examples of the ways of this backward Magician, ... You sat down to complete an important document only to discover your computer had crashed, or you had a crucial appointment to make and your car fell apart, or the trip you have been planning for months had to be rescheduled, as well as a thousand other communication and scheduling mishaps!

As characteristic of all Tricksters, their game is to play havoc with our ego minds. As "shape shifters" they have the power to redirect our consciousness, pushing us to go deeper into our imaginations. The Renaissance Hermeneutic, Marsilio Ficino, describes perfectly the alchemical flavor of the Trickster, "Mercury has the power to put souls to sleep or waken them with his staff; that is, in some way or another, by putting himself into a certain shape, he can dull or sharpen the mind, or weaken or strengthen it, or upset or calm it." The Trickster is synonymous to the mythological winged messenger god of Mercury. Interestingly enough the planet Mercury stayed hidden in the shadows behind the Sun during the past retrograde period, creating the perfect domicile for inner reflection.

So, now we can cautiously breathe a sigh of relief as we are making plans for our 4th of July celebration.

On that date, sociable Libra happens to be transiting the Moon (emotions) and Mars (physical energy) in the first house of action. The Sun and Jupiter are both in Cancer transiting the 10th house which could put a serious note to the days' events. Pluto in Capricorn is positioned in the fourth house of home in opposition to the Sun and Jupiter in the 10th house. (Remember, house location sets the stage for how the planets will interplay with the energies). Ultimately, we do influence how we react to these energies. So, be sociable and enjoy the day of festivities.

The Full Moon in the earth sign of Capricorn will take place on July 12th. The intense planet, Pluto will accompany the Moon in the fourth house of home in opposition to the water sign of Cancer in the planets of Jupiter and Sun (Sol) in the tenth house of public identity. It is important to note that Capricorn is the least favorable astrological position for "La Luna."

In an excerpt from the book "The Planets Within," authored by Thomas Moore, Ficino's letter to Lorenzo Medici, discusses the differences of Cancer to Capricorn,..."the ancients called Cancer the gateway to mortals. On the other hand, they called Capricorn the gateway of the Gods, for through it souls, once cleansed, were believed to return to their heavenly fatherland." I found this next citation of Ficino's correspondence to Medicini fascinating ..."we live in two circles, the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn; one is the circle of generation and action, the other the circle of spirit. To get these two circles synchronized is the trick of lunar consciousness."

We are faced with further challenging aspects during this sensitive Full Moon. The planet Mars in Libra is in opposition to Uranus in Aries in the first house of action and seventh house of relationship, respectively. Here we have the struggle between our innate masculine and feminine energies with a twist. The twist occurs with the desire of planet Mars to take immediate action, especially, when it is located in the first house of Aries. Aries is a fire sign that is ruled by Mars. So, the planet Mars is comfortable in the first house and not so comfortable in Libra, who desires harmony not war. Libra is the sign of balance in the personality aspect and is ruled by Venus, the planet of Love.

On the west side of the Zodiac Wheel, in the seventh house, the home of Libra, we have opposing energies with the presence of Uranus in Aries. Yet, it is significant to note the planet Uranus approaches life on the Soul aspect. Uranus in Aries could very well achieve a Higher Consciousness from the element of fire as its tool for inspiration in the house placement of balance. The main theme for the Full Moon in Capricorn will reveal whether we express our lives from the vantage point of "Self" or "Others."

The Sun's ingress into the sign of Leo on July 22nd, adds a creative spark to our summer activities, especially, with the moon in the expressive sign of Gemini. Then, on July 26th we get the added bonus of a New Moon in Leo! The Sun, Moon and even Jupiter join each other in the tenth house of public identity. All three of the planets are transiting in the heart centered sign of Leo, along with Mercury in Cancer. This could be the beginning of a creative enterprise that circles the globe with a circumference around the heart of the World Soul.

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