Letters to the EditorFebruary 2012
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Dear Editor,

From: Kathy Shear
Los Osos

It is ridiculous to even think in terms of "safety" when it comes to the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. It isn't even "if" something happens, but "when." And let me tell you this, the whole idea of escape routes when that sucker starts blowing poison our way is completely unreasonable. Just how many people will be able to get out through Los Osos Valley Road and/or South Bay Boulevard? I drive LOVR to work each morning and it's already slow. Imagine the entire population of the town panicked and trying to get away. What in the world were they thinking when allowing that monstrosity to be build here in the first place? Who is supposed to be protecting us from being built at all?

My parents, siblings, extended family, and friends pretty much all live here, but I'm having to seriously consider moving away. It's a terrible choice to have to make. Please, please, please shut that place down and remove the toxins!

From: Sandy and Jorden Lewis
Waco, Texas

My car broke down near Harmony on January 3. My 6 year old son, Jorden, and I were stranded. It was nearly 11:00 at night, I don't carry a cell phone, and had no idea how to get the car moving again. We sat on the side of the road, wondering what in the world to do when two cars, both traveling separetely, pulled over to help. The lady in a Ford Taurus called a tow truck, then gave us a ride back to Morro Bay, put us up in a motel room, and even paid the bill. I didn't know that last part until I went to pay in the morning. My mom always swore the midwest was the only place where people will lend a hand. Guess she needs to come meet the people who live here.

I never got the name of the kind lady who helped us out, but maybe she will read this. Thank you very much for taking a chance and helping us out. Thanks to everyone we met - what a really nice bunch of people.


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From War to Peace

Morro Rock Morning
Photo by Judy Sullivan:
Morro Rock Morning
Photo by Dave Johnson:
Quiet Day at the MB Harbor
Photo by Linda Tanner:
Los Osos Barn


Vince Cicero
Photo by Vince Cicero
Morro Rock Morning
Marina Sunset by Marlin Harms
Marina Sunrise by Marlin Harms

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Cooper's Hawk image on banner by Cleve Nash.


From: Michael Tanis
Arroyo Grande

Sick, sick, sick of hearing about the stupid sewer plant from hell. Can't you people get your sh*t together?? Literally! Get rid of the crooked politicians your city's run by, figure out the right thing to do and do it! It's like reading a really bad political thriller. Just the plot line blows.

From: Christi
Morro Bay

Thanks for publishing an update on the Grow, Learn, Eat contest. I read the Slo Coast Journal every month and was particularly inspired and, ultimately, excited by the story. My wife and I are already making plans for our own mini-farm next spring. Great story!

From: David Myer
Morro Bay

Ok, you've gone and done it now. At first I read the front page stories, the sports page (what ever happened to that?), and clicked on one or two others. Pretty much each month I would read all of those. Each time it another column would get added to my list. I gave up and finally just started clicking on each column, reading most of those too. This month it was the page about cooking. Cooking! Hell, I don't even cook. But that stuff looks so good. Today I went to the hardware store and bought myself some pans, even a baking dish. Mine sucked in the looks department, but I made the "Beefy Enchilada" recipe and it was really tasty. Now to tell my girlfriend. She will almost certainly laugh, but she won't when she eats some.

Keep up the good work. Just don't go adding a fashion column. I gotta draw the line somewhere.

From: Joyce & Ryan McKinley
Morro Bay

Thank god and his minions for Jack McCurdy!! He and his fellow SCJ writers provide the only reliable news sources on the Central Coast. Absolutely no one other news source has the guts to tell it like it is, certainly not the Bay News! We had mourned the possibility of ever having the truth of what is going on in our City Council ever be told and sorted out. It is so common to have people in office doing only what is good for themselves and own businesses that maybe people think it is the norm and just accept it. Not us! Yates has to go. Wake up people, read every word Mr. McCurdy writes, tell your friends to tune in for a finally reliable source of news about what is going on to tear our town to bits. We want Morro Bay back for all of the citizens to thrive in, not just a select group of thugs.

Question - is your Jack McCurdy the same who wrote for the Times in Los Angeles years ago? Didn't his team win a Pulitzer Prize for reporting? We are doubly proud if he is one and the same. Thank you Jack!

(Note from Editor: I agree - we are all fortunate to have Jack reporting. He heads up a great group of concerned and terrific news writers for the Journal. And, yes, he is the same Jack McCurdy you read in the Times.)
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Diablo Canyon Seismic Safety Conference Provides Cold Comfort
MB/CSD Reactivate Controversial Lobbyist to Push WWT
National Physicians Group Weighs in on Risks to Health from Wireless Technology
Public Blamed for MB/CSD Sewer Plant Delays, Wasted Costs
The Similar Effects of Low-Dose Ionizing Radiation and Non-Ionizing
Radiation from Background Environmental Levels of Exposure
Two Groups Who Make Giving a Yearlong Event

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