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The Path

by Richard Hannibal

Vicki's Woods
Vicki's Woods

A breeze drifted gently in the tall trees and the morning sun sent shafts of light to the moss-covered floor of the forest. A stream passed over smooth rocks with increasing eagerness to join the sea. Gentle creatures scurried in the shadows preparing for the coming day. A constant chatter in the treetops joined the morning chorus, while butterflies danced in the advancing light.

A well-worn path ran through the greenness and dense trees, past a large, moss-covered rock, and over a small hill. Things visible and creatures unseen were in complete harmony with the ancient trees, which nodded in swaying approval. This perfection of nature could only be seen through the eyes of wisdom.

A child ran down the path, playfully chased by a shaggy brown dog. Gentle things became startled and fled from the shadows to the dark of their shelter, where they waited for the disturbance to pass. The girl, intent on play, was barely aware of the coolness on her cheeks, and the pine aroma in her nostrils. Her childish innocence perceived the forest, but she lacked the maturity to understand its message. She and her dog ran merrily on and over a hill, oblivious to the wonders around them. The gentle ones returned to their morning chores and the chatter in the treetops resumed.

A teenage boy and girl walked slowly hand-in-hand down the path as the late morning sun reflected off the green leaves. They were preoccupied with the magic and mystery of first love. Like the child, they were unable to see the creation all around them. Once again the creatures of the woods scurried for safety. The angle of light rays through the branches changed as the sun moved slowly to the west. The young lovers continued on in their youthful dream—intent on each other. They strolled by the moss-covered rock as a thousand eyes awaited their passing.

A branch snapped; footsteps were heard. A young woman approached, walking hurriedly down the path. Her eyes stared at the ground as she walked. Her brow was wrinkled as she worried about real and imaginary problems. The early afternoon concert taking place around her went unnoticed. Her mind was clouded by disillusioned love and filled with deep despair over things she did not understand. She vanished down the trail, not noticing where she had been or even where she was going.

Soon, a mother, carrying her newborn child, wandered down the path. She was so consumed with unfamiliar responsibilities and concern for the future that she did not have eyes to see. She continued on in her uncertainty, oblivious to the life that surrounded her. Shadows broadened and the treetop chatter diminished as the forest life began making preparations for the night.

It was evening when a woman appeared, walking slowly and stopping on occasion to take in the pine scent. Her long dark hair, streaked with gray, hung over her slender shoulders. Her brown eyes, framed with gentle lines, filled with the wonders all around her. Her slow, deliberate movement took her to a familiar place. She paused. She sat on the moss-covered rock and watched intently as night approached.

The woman remembered running through these woods as a child, but could not recall the total oneness she now felt with the giant trees and creatures living in the shadows. She thought back to a day and a walk with a boy. She also remembered being at this same spot, filled with a troubled heart. But, at the time, she had received no comfort from a feather floating gently to the ground or the soft moss beneath her feet. Thoughts filled her mind of another day, long past and an infant in her arms. She recalled being too busy and scared to perceive the perfect harmony of the forest.

"Why now?" she wondered. "Why do I now feel this oneness with the forest? Why do I now feel the wisdom of the ancient trees and the patience of the seasons?"

She sat and watched the last rays of light slowly vanish. She smiled and knew. It was the years! It was the years that brought the wisdom and understanding, molded the soul, and forged the heart. It was the years that brought her the peace and serenity she now felt. The woman stood, took a deep breath, and knew she was at one with the forest and the universe. She closed her eyes, appreciating the years that had led to this place.

The woman continued serenely down the path and over the hill. The path ran in a circle through the forest, never beginning and never ending. Smiling, the woman realized her annual trek along the path would again take her through the trees and back to the moss-covered rock. Again, as she has done many times in the past, she will rest and reflect on the previous year. With the promise of further wisdom and increased peace, she picked up her pace and moved forward into new experiences. Smiling, she contemplated the coming years, a loving presence, and her place on the path.

In the dim twilight, another figure appeared on the path. An old woman approached and paused at the moss-covered rock. The small creatures of the forest hesitated in their nightly chores to greet her. She slowly sat on the green-blanketed rock and caressed the timid life that nuzzled up to her. A blue jay glided softly to her shoulder and an orange veil of monarch butterflies floated around her. There was a serene glow on her face as her eyes slowly closed and her hands gently lowered to the cushion of moss. A moment passed, a soft sigh left her lungs, and she was still.

The woods around her became silent as the old woman became a mist that gently filled the air. The mist drifted, touching every part of the forest, becoming one with it all. Night had come. The moss-covered rock along the path waited patiently and the forest was at peace.

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All content copyright Slo Coast Journal and Richard Hannibal. Do not use without express written permission.