Morro Bay LibraryMarch 2011
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625 Harbor Street

Morro Bay Book Discussion Groups, Friends of the Library and other Library Program News

Morro Bay Library

Great News! Beginning this month, the Library's lease now allows the complete building to be used for Library Services. Please note the additional programs that we have included this month!

Please join us at the Morro Bay Library this March on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. – noon in the Program Room for the Morro Bay Book Discussion Group as we have the opportunity to read and discuss a couples dilemma, delve in to the lives of the people who live on Scotland Street, and appreciate a free workshop on "Writing as a Tool for Healing" by a well-known local author. All this and much more! 

Also, don't forget to join us for our 4th Friday's Mystery Readers Group from 10 a.m. - noon which will now be held at the Library!  
For the comfort of all attending please come fragrance free to all our events. 

We have a special presentation at the end of the month (see Tuesday, March 29 details below) which is tied to our partnership program with Cuesta College's Book of the Year, "Farm City, the Education of an Urban Farmer" by Novella Carpenter. This is a book we will be reading and discussing in April. We hope you will attend. 

March Schedule 


Beginning March 8            10-11:30 a.m. Connecting with Poetry 
This program also meets at the same time on March 15, 22, & 29

Join educator Gaylyn Anderson on Tuesday mornings for poetry discussion, reading & writing. You will have the chance to bring your own creative writing selections as well as study from "The Poet's Corner: The One-and-Only Poetry Book for the Whole Family," compiled by John Lithgow. For more information call 995-2285.

March 29   6-7 p.m.  Worms, Water and Wonder: Gardening with Kids in Mind with Cindy Konrad

As a parent of two small children, Cindy likes to fine tune ways to make lasting positive memories while spending time with them in the garden. Join her as she shares a few things that she has learned a long the way, as well as what is great to grow in your garden for eating with the family. There will also be an opportunity for adult creative play, like making some stepping stones, which are a great path for children to walk through while in the garden. This workshop is geared for adult participation; if children are to be present we ask that the parents/guardians attend to them as needed. Babies in arms and nursing are welcomed. 

Wednesday Book Discussion Group

March 2            "The Dive from Clausen's Pier" by Ann Packer. How much do we owe the people we love? Is it a sign of strength or weakness to walk away from someone in need? These questions lie at the heart of this novel.

March 9            Share Day which is a chance for participants to bring and discuss non-reading list books, whether they are fiction, non-fiction or inspirational books that they have found especially interesting and/or informative. 

March 16            44 Scotland Street by Alexander McCall Smith
Meet some of the colorful characters who occupy this address which was first published as a serial in the Scotsman newspaper. 

March 23            Meet the Author - Bert Bender - Catching the Ebb: Drift-Fishing for a  Life in Cook Inlet
Join this commercial fisherman and author as he shares his experiences.

March 30             Meet the Author & Free Workshop on "Writing as a Tool for Healing" with Phyllis Davies - Long known for her self-help guide, Grief: Climb Toward Understanding participants will have the opportunity to spend some time with Phyllis and learn how writing can be a tool for healing. Participants will also have the opportunity to write and share and review concepts and resources.

Books (for the Wednesdays program only) are available for checkout in advance at the Morro Bay Library. The Winter Series Booklist, 4th Fridays Mystery Readers 2011 Booklist and Local Authors Series Flyer is available for download at Morro Bay Book Discussion Group or at the library. For more information, email Group Facilitator, Karen Robert or call her at 225-3131. 


March 3            10 a.m. - 10:40 a.m. - Children's Storytime (This program also meets at the same time on March 10, 17, 24 & 31)


March 11            11 a.m. - Noon
Join Local Author, B. J. Scott in a discussion on "Women of the Gold Rush" 

During Women's History Month, we learn more about B.J. Scott's latest female protagonist in his newest release, Light on a Distant Hill. Join us as the author guides us through a wonderful slide show on "Women of the Gold Rush" in which we are introduced to his first three novels that formed the Angel Trilogy. Participants will have the opportunity to gain a greater appreciation of women's role during early California history through the author's characters. To enjoy book excerpts before the event go to Angel of the

March 18      3-4:30 p.m.
Meet Author Ace Abbott, "The Rogue Aviator: In the Back Alleys of Aviation"

Fasten your seat belt!  Both pilots and laymen can join the author for a wild ride along an implausible and improbable aviation adventure in his new book, the second edition of The Rogue Aviator: In the Back Alleys of Aviation. Gain an insider's view of the aviation industry and get ready for some jaw-dropping aviation anecdotes. The author will also be available for book sales and signing. Special note: this author, although not local, has special ties to the Central Coast.

March 25 - 4th Fridays Mystery Readers Group      10-Noon. Bring your favorite dish to share as we eat and discuss, "The Man from Beijing" by Henning Mankell.

A massacre in the remote Swedish village of Hesjövallen propels this complex, stand-alone thriller. Judge Birgitta Roslin, whose mother grew up in the village, comes across diaries from the house of one of the 19 mostly elderly victims kept by Jan Andrén, an immigrant ancestor of Roslin's. After finding evidence linking a mysterious Chinese man to the Hesjövallen murders, Roslin travels to Beijing, suspecting that the motive for the horrific crime is rooted in the past. What will she discover?

The Morro Bay Friends of the Library, which supports the Library, holds regular book sales to raise funds for the library. Friends also provide volunteers to support library services and operations, publish a newsletter distributed four times a year and build and maintain awareness of library needs and services throughout the community. For more information contact President, Christine Johnson visit  or Morro Bay Friends of the Library.


For more information email our President at Morro Bay Friends of the Library.

Pipevine Swallowtail image on banner by Jerry Kirkhart
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Local Film Showing Exposes 'Silent Epidemic'

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