2012 Columns
September, 2012 Eight Common Tobacco Myths
When it comes to society's vices, we frequently delude ourselves into believing that things are not quite as bad as they appear. Tobacco is no exception, as smokers imagine that their addictions are no worse than a predilection for chocolate. If only it were true. Here are a few of the cherished myths about tobacco.
August, 2012 Immunization Myths
The millions of lives saved since the advent and worldwide utilization of immunizations
is nothing short of miraculous. Whether administered to a Masai warrior roaming the
Serengeti Plain or the golden child of a Hollywood mogul, vaccines protect us all
from an expanding list of life-
July, 2012 The Heart of Darkness Re-
The look on the patient's face, even weeks later, will haunt me. Her anguished eyes, avoiding contact with the men in the room, dart rapidly back and forth. She winces at every perceived movement. Her voice, barely audible, utters monosyllabic responses. Despite having worked in emergency medicine for over 20 years, I have never seen a patient display such unspoken suffering and torment.
June, 2012 Myth Busting: Sugar and Hyperactivity
As you pick up your six-
May, 2012 Myth: You Must Have Chest Pain To Be Having A Heart Attack
Heart attacks are definitely one of our biggest fears. We have become a nation of
joggers, dieters, and pill takers, much of this behavior directed towards avoiding
"the big one." Yet many myths surround heart attacks, not the least of which is that
in order to be having a heart attack, you have to feel crushing chest pain -
April 2012 Poison Oak and Poison Ivy -
Here on the Central Coast, poison oak is rampant. It grows like a weed, and can be found along stream beds and hiking paths, on hillsides, and even in your own backyard. Poison oak's cousins, found farther east, are poison ivy and poison summac—few of us have escaped its wrath.
March, 2012 Vision Myths
Once again, a warning. Myth-
February, 2012 Swallowed Foreign Bodies
Small children are like human vacuum cleaners. Everything goes in their mouths -
January, 2012 Gun Ownership Myths
Advance warning: I am certain that this column will annoy many who cherish their
guns, and their right to own and use them. Nonetheless, consider the following facts.
And please, don't shoot the messenger -
Go to Medical Myth Busting 2011, 2010 and 2009