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Ocean Treasures

by Roe Yeager


Walking along the many paths, streets and walkways of Morro Bay are many expressions of natures gifts to us. Some, such as Morro Rock itself, are simply there to be in awe of when viewed. Others are created by these wonderful people called artists who simply need to express their talents. They are able to take natural things and place them or arrange them or utilize them in such ways that enhance their inherent beauty.

It is quite easy to spy the beauty of nature all around on the Central Coast. Everything from the trees, flowers, grasses, beaches, sunrises, sunsets, moon rises, moon sets and wildlife present themselves at every turn. It seems all one has to do is open their eyes and there it is, whatever it is, greeting you and welcoming you to experience and enjoy its presence.


During the early winter of 2000 the process of dredging out the harbor was underway. At that time some of the dredged materials were dumped on the beach near the rock. Every day on my walk I would watch as the mound of rocks, sand, and everything else dredged from the harbor grew and daily the crew would always smooth it out on the beach.

Tree Branch

One morning I noticed these wonderful rather flat, smooth and circular black stones were part of the leavings. At that time I was doing bodywork and I knew these stones would be perfect for my practice. So I gathered various sizes of the ones that seemed to have a matching partner and they became an integral part of my profession for the next thirteen years.

When I retired the question arose as to what to do with these amazing stones. They had given so much to me and my clientele. I could always sell them or give them to another body worker in the area. Then I realized I needed to return them to where they had been gleaned. So when I arrived in Morro Bay last October, I thanked the stones for their service to me and others and placed them among the rocks in the harbor. I had such a sense of joy and gratitude of borrowing something from nature and then later being able to return it to its home.

I am certain I am unable to count the sea shells, sea glass, stones, feathers, and driftwood, etc. that I have been fortunate to treasure over the years. Some have been passed on to others. Some returned. Some remain in my possession as a reminder of the special and magical times I have experienced while on the Central Coast of California.

Morro Rock

Every day is so different with what is presented. I continue to feel the excitement with each awareness. I realize that I may have seen the same item many, many times until that one time when it speaks to me. I am curious how it could have evaded my attention until now, and then understand that only when we are ready do the secrets of nature reveal themselves to us. I am so grateful for the awakening to nature and I know I am just scratching the surface for now. I truly enjoy each aspect.

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All content copyright Slo Coast Journal and Roe Yeager. Please do not use without express written permission.